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First off: thanks to my neighbor for letting me use her computer! Now onto “Friday’s” blog post.


The list of things which I intend to polish during Mind Blind’s second draft is too lengthy to include in a single post, but today I’m going to talk about one of the most important aspects which I intend to rework: Romance.

When I first started writing and coding Mind Blind, I didn’t know what I was doing. To some extent, I still don’t when it comes to code—the choice script wiki is a permanent fixture in my internet browser. In particular, I wasn’t certain how to code a natural-feeling romantic progression. I tried to do it numerically using the “crush” variable to indicate Button’s level of romantic attachment (and this is what’s currently in the game), but going forth I found it unnecessarily tedious, not to mention vague.

Does a Button who doesn’t choose ever pining option feel less for an RO? Possibly not. Perhaps they’re good at compartmentalizing, or in denial, or simply have their priorities in order (terrorists first, smooching later). But when affection is a number, and each love-struck option adds more invisible affection by Button towards the RO (+X to the Crush variable), a lot of that nuance is lost.

To solve this, I’ll be changing romances to instigate along a progressive three-step scale. Each RO will have three variables: Interest, Infatuation, and Devotion. Early game, choosing any romantic option for an RO will set Button as being “interested” (by setting the Interested variable to “true”). While there will be multiple opportunities to activate the “interest” variable, it only needs to be activated once. It won’t matter how often you choose an interest option; the game will remember Button as feeling attraction if you select any of the interested options. Button can also be interested in more than one person.

Buttons who are remembered as being “interested” in an RO will eventually be able to select options that set the “infatuated” variable true. These infatuated options will only be available to interested Buttons, and again it won’t matter how many you select—all that’s required is that, at some point in the romantic progression, the “Infatuated” variable for an RO is set as “true.” Button can only be infatuated with one person at a time. (This is in large part due to there being variable scenes where Button thinks about their love interest, and having them interested in multiple people at this point leads to too many variations that are ultimately futile, as none of the ROs are poly.)

This same progression applies when going from “infatuated” to “devoted,” which marks the committed romance. Devoted is when your romance fully locks in and the RO returns your feelings. The reason this is different than the “infatuated” variable, however, is because there will be ending variances for Buttons who are “in love” with an RO but never cement the relationship (in particular, Sally and Gray). In addition, the ROs will react differently to an “infatuated” vs a “devoted” Button.

It’ll be a heck of a lot of recoding, but I feel like this will create a cleaner, more reactive (and most importantly, more organic) way for the romances to progress (instead of just one canned response, RO reactions will change based on which variable you’ve activated). Currently, each RO’s romance fully activates if Button has high enough affection and a crush stat—a method which requires Button to select certain choices in order to tell the code that, yes, you want to deepen the relationship. This new multi-variable progression will make sure that you can still achieve the romances without choosing every pining dialogue option, as well as providing me with a better foundation for the future ace/demi romance pathways (where alternative “interest” options will become available at the “infatuated” level, leading to slower romance progressions that mostly disregard initial physical attraction).

Each RO’s path will still progress at a different speed. Glitch’s “infatuated” and “devoted” variable activates much earlier than the rest of the cast, for example, whereas Rosy’s activates the slowest. Either way, I’m excited to eventually share Mind Blind 2.0 with you. (After the alpha draft is released, that is, because right now my priority is simply to finish.)


Chigusa Eyes

VIBRATES INTENSELY JO!!! This sounds AMAZING! I am so excited about it??? Truly, it sounds like so much work but I know I appreciate such an endeavor bc I love a chance at more nuanced romances like that!!! 😩💖 Also I love the chance for unlocked romance variables. I am also like "does this mean it will be even Easier to lose Rosy's interest with these varying levels and potential flirting opportunities with others" and I think part of me hopes so. Rosy's romance is a minefield and 3/5 Buttons will blow themselves up trying to win Rosy's heart. But seriously ahhhh...this is so cool...


Ohhh I really like the new method ^^ i'm the kind of person who half of the time doesn't choose the flirt/romance options cause I find the others more interesting, so the new code is perfect for me 💕


This is an amazing idea and sounds like it will make a player's own MC character progression flow more naturally while still achieving desired romance options. It sounds like a lot of work for the future, but something us fans will support you whole heartedly as you progress. (๑╹ᗜ╹)♡*.+゜


Good luck


Will you be releasing a romance guide for each romance option when the game is released?

Skippy Hugo

I am actually really glad that this is being taken into account. Too many stories take a almost textbook approach to romance, and not recognise the nuances and details.


That sounds like an awful lot of work, but will be so worth it in the end!! Side note-do you know if the successful version of the beginning Chapter 14 will be uploaded soon? No pressure, I'm just excited to read it :)


Oh gotcha-I thought every new update made a new link. So the last one should be fine?


Yup! Last link works. I update the link around every new chapter, so that way Patrons are more or less guaranteed at least one additional chapter for a month's subscription even if things take longer than I anticipated to write and code :)


Good to know-Thanks so much for your help!! I'm excited to read :)


It’s really wonderful that you’re putting thought into organic ace/Demi relationship paths. This game was already one of the best I’ve come across for aces because of the significance of Button’s relationship with Nick, and the potential to play matchmaker between him and Sally, but being able to pursue specifically ace relationships (that are actually treated with some care) is especially exciting. :) Are you planning on having the ROs react differently to an ace button? Particularly an alloromantic ace one. Irl, reactions can vary a lot, and I admit I always find it a little too wish-fulfilment-y when all the romanceable characters in a game are just 100% cool with being with an ace person without even having a discussion about it. Not sure if you want to get that deep into it, though. Wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t. Regardless, love your work. Thanks for a continuingly great read.


There won't be unique aromantic options in Mind Blind, so Button's sexuality if ace/demi will be acknowledged. More in the progression than in dialogue with the ROs, however, since something like asexuality can look pretty different for different people and thus I leave any conversation about sex and boundaries up to player headcanon.