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Out of all known types of mental agility, telekinesis is the rarest and least understood. Although most people believe that telekinesis is the ability to move matter, the actual science of telekinesis is not so simple—nor fully comprehended, due to the extreme rarity of its occurrence.

Initially, telekinesis was thought to be a byproduct of electromagnetic fields generated by a Telekinetic’s unique brand of Z-waves, which travel a shorter distance (resulting in limited brainrange), yet are conversely much stronger than those of other Ment types. However, this electromagnetic hypothesis was disproved by the 1930-1967 study of Ophelia Atwater, one of the earliest recorded Telekinetics (born in 1928, a time when Ments sadly lacked the right to refuse experimentation). Manipulation of gravitation fields took over as the predominant theory, only to be disproved by the 1982-1999 study of Xiulan Yifeng (born 1982, died 1999).

Current research, conducted in willing cooperation with UCRT’s own Fortitude (Grayson Black), has led most neuroscientists to hypothesize that the physical phenomenon of telekinesis occurs due to a yet unmeasurable force which Telekinetics innately manipulate using Z-waves. In addition to moving objects with their mind, Telekinetics have also demonstrated the ability to alter the mass and density of objects—an invaluable skill for AMOs looking to defend themselves from bullet fire or pass through a concrete wall. Many of these auxiliary skills are considered unstable and thus dangerous, however, and Unity’s official policy is that any Telekinetic AMOs (of which there is currently one) refrain from anything other than object displacement unless left with no other option.

Given the rarity of telekinesis, the power was widely regarded as a myth by most cultures prior to the twentieth century. What early records do exist (such as the works of Herodotus) claim that Telekinetics possessed impossible abilities like flight and teleportation—powers which, although inarguably appealing, have never manifested in any proven modern Telekinetic. Rather than being historically accurate accounts, it is highly likely that these reports were instead meant to further stigmatize the existence of Ments by imagining them with even more threatening abilities than they actually possessed. Most modern scholars consider them to be more fearmongering than truthful.

Only four Ments worldwide are publicly known to be Telekinetics, but more do exist. Under 2022’s Yifeng Accord, their identities are protected by Unity until each Telekinetic is old enough to decide whether or not to keep their psychic agility private. In departure from the unethical experimentation of the past, Telekinetics in the twenty-first century have the right to decide their own futures, in large part thanks to Unity’s ceaseless advocacy for Ment equality.



What happened to Xiulan Yifeng when they were only 17?? 😟😟

Skippy Hugo

I can only guess something so horrible that it's been deemed classified

Skippy Hugo

This makes me interested in a story about pre-Unity era Ments. Plus what the guide would say about mind blindness


poor yifeng! jo, you really have a way of managing to tell stories through reading between the lines