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The ROs are officially back on the list! I've also realized that minor and newer characters need to be double upped and share interview slots in order for them to have a fighting chance against more easily kissable characters (which, I mean, fair).

If you choose "RO Repeat Interview," you're drawing a bit of a wild card. If that option wins this poll, I'll select an RO based off how many questions I didn't get around to answering the first time (likely Rosy or Kenzie since they were last up to bat in Jan/Feb). This is just to ensure that there will be enough queries for the interview. Any second interviews will also have a different host--so Rosy will be questioned by someone other than Nick, and K by someone other than Glitch. This way, a new dynamic can be explored. (Interviewees may even answer the same question in a different way, depending on who's asking!)

Below, please vote for the person or people you'd like to be interviewed this month:

Edit: based on Skippy's suggestion in the comments, Schrodinger will be the interviewer should Team Dog win first place.


Skippy Hugo

Cass, Annie AND Schroedinger.


That's doable. Schrodinger can give the interview, since humans don't talk Pet.


imagine Team Dog winning, most people would say "Poor Nick" cause he'll have to interview two dogs but im fairly certain Nick would have to time of his life interviewing two dogs that he can voice over


Honestly I’d love to vote for Valero, but dogs will always be the #1 priority


aww, no caleb solo interview? for some ego stroke 😂