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I had a 'Eureka!' moment while rewriting Glitch's breakup scene, which (to make a long story short) made me realize that I wanted to add some new options during the cover story creation arc in Chapter 8. I'll be updating Chapter 8 over the course of the next week as this new route gets written, but for now here's a mini-update (around 2,500 words) that includes the first half of Sally's scene.

Playing it will bump you back to the beginning of Chapter 8, and this week's ongoing updates will continue to do so. Thus, you may want to wait until the end of this week when I get the whole chapter uploaded (which I'll do as quickly as I can write in the new path!). Since I'll be constantly updating Chapter 8 this week, please be careful using the saveplugin and make sure you have a save from Chapter 7.

For anyone curious about the new material being added: there will now be an option where Button becomes (for lack of a better word) enamored with Podium. I'm really hoping that most people don't choose to take this path (it gets dark), but realized that it needed to included. It's an option exclusive to highly resentful Buttons, and leads to other choices that will impact your ultimate ending (a sort of "slippery slope" hidden route). To reinforce this, I've put in a new tracker which measures how sympathetic you are to either Vengeance or Unity (which I'll be incorporating into the already-written answers as well).

Note: I'm undecided whether or not I want to show the Unity/Vengeance bar in the stat screen or keep it hidden, so your input on this subject would be welcome!

If you're wondering what these new options will look like, and don't want to replay the chapter (or your Button isn't resentful), I've copied an excerpt below:

#. . . I’ve finally found my people.

Ments have made your life a living hell. Your anger has been building since third grade, when Alan Chung forced that pencil up your nose, but you were never allowed to give it voice. The users on Podium possess no such restraint. They openly, bitterly, shout their grievances over the world’s unfairness. 

It’s intoxicating.

You joined Unity to prove that you were as good as any Ment, but the fact will always remain that most people will never see beyond your Zero. It’s infuriating, and the comic of Nick eating an infant touches on that fury.

. . . Not that you would’ve agreed to blow up UCRT Headquarters. But you intuit that, unlike the Ment who controlled you, the members on this forum would’ve given you the choice.

* * *

If anyone wants to play the new material (which adds around 700 words per playthrough), the link is: 


I admit, I'm super curious if anyone can figure out the reason behind K's Podium username.





Do I think Button should go full evil and kiss Noh right on the lips and become the new leader of Vengeance? Nooooo, but I do think it should at least be an option! For Science! As for the Vengeance/Unity bar maybe you could do both? I've played IFs before where some stats are hidden but there's an option to reveal them if the player wishes!


I think a vengeance/unity bar would be really cool!! I don't usually check stats when playing but I think this would actually be a cool and useful thing to keep track of, so if I replayed i could get a sense of which options to pick to get a different route


I agree with adding the vengeance/unity bar! Most because for people who want to replay, I think it'll be a good indicator as to why certain things played out the way they did during a route, rather than not knowing why XYZ happened. Also, for guessing K's username, are the numbers relevant? Or is it the "Cerberus" part that's significant?


My vote also goes towards showing that bar! Will it be possible to reject both and just be out for yourself/your values/Nick, etc?


Has K's username something to do with Mass Effect? :P


Cerberus is the dog that protects the Underworld in Greek Myth and it has three heads. K only has 2 dogs. Thus, Ceberus342 as in Cerberus 3 for 2?


Wait! So the Glitch break-up is over the K secret?


Also, the sympathy tracker is a great idea! I think whether or not you should show it in the stats screen depends on if you want sympathizing with the "villains" to be something a player can specifically aim to do (b/c if so, showing the stat allows people to play around with choices to figure out what raises the bar) or if you want it to be simply driven by choices (and basically be kind of like "SURPRISE! YOU'RE A SYMPATHIZER!" lol).


is K's username using 342 because UCRT arrived at 3.42pm when his mother died?


I think it's always convenient to have access to a variable in the stat menu. However, I think there's a compelling case for not showing the player the unity/vengeance stat. Button is basically going down the path of radicalization, right? When that happens in real life, people don't really notice it. It starts with baby steps until you've gone so far into the darkness that you can't even remember the light. It would be really cool if Button's (mis)perceptions change to reflect this really off kilter perspective too. Anyway, my point is, people who go through radicalization don't see what's happening to them until it's too late, and usually not then unless they manage to get out (Nick's more objective commentary/perspective could be a path to de-radicalization for Button). Still, at the end of the day, Mind Blind is a game, and "that's not how things are in real life" isn't compelling in and of itself. I just think it would be cool/interesting in this instance to try to replicate that real life dynamic. I look forward to seeing how you implement it!