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Snapdragon is a puckishly jovial girl, with moon-pale skin and night-dark eyes and an unnervingly sharp-toothed smile. Her appearance makes her out to be around eleven years of age. She delights in pranks, both harmless and otherwise.

Snapdragon is fae and thus your most dangerous client.

Excerpt from the THAB Employee Guide:

As a THAB delivery person, there are three essential regulations to follow when delivering a package to a fairy.
Rule #1: Never attempt to see past a fairy’s glamour. Doing so is extremely rude, and the client will either kill you or choose to use a rival mail service (or both).
Rule #2: Always project the appearance of possessing a delightful secret. Fairies love secrets, and will not kill you until they’ve learned it. Whether this secret is real or imagined is left up to employee discretion.
Rule #3: If finding yourself in violation of either prior rule, do your upmost to amuse the fae in question. THAB reminds all employees that the tapdancing seminar is mandatory for a reason.



I see that evil DHL try their best for their employees, so nice😌 the rules are noted down tho 📝


Evil (or at least, amoral) DHL is exactly what THAB is lol. Couldn't have said it better myself.


D in DHL also stands for diabolical tho, THAB seems like a nice place 🥰