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It's the first batch of Mind Blind bloopers! On these posts, I'll share (amusingly out-of-context) text that didn't make it in to Mind Blind's current draft. I'll be posting a minimum of two of these per month (probably more), since I do a LOT of deleting and rewriting.

Without further ado, here are some lines from MB Chapter 5 that didn't make the cut:

“Mi cabeza es tu cabeza, hermano.”

Sally glares at you. “Stop showing off that you can speak Spanish.”

You cannot, in fact, speak Spanish. It’s simply that Sally, despite her three years of taking the language in high school, really, really can’t.

Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Nick chants.

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! you chant back.

He sputters. You’ve never witnessed someone sputtering before—had assumed it was one of those vague literary descriptions that no one does in real life. You were wrong.

Because when your hand alights on his shoulder, Grayson Black sputters.

“K is . . .”

“. . . a liar. I thought people who like dogs were supposed to be the honest type. It was cat lovers that I always side-eyed.”

“. . . a confusing conglomeration of sexy and suspicious.”

". . . an opportunity for me to pet puppies. Nothing more, nothing less."

“But what does it mean?”

“The way you just used it? ‘It’ means the direct object of a verb, referencing something lifeless, in this case, some innocent artwork.”

“You didn’t see it. The broom was suspicious. Also, I hate you.”


Chigusa Eyes

Nick cheering for kissing makes me so happy, what a good bro.


I picture Nick also mentally banging his hands on a table while chanting this. (Bless him)


I wish I could say that Nick is too mature to do such a thing, but . . . he's not. He's very much not 😂😂