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Every Patron in the $30 and $50 tiers can now send me their ideas, either in Patreon private messages or on Discord, for batch 4 of the rotating requests.

Please note I have slightly edited the rules, which you can find there:

Rotating Requests | Rules 

The addition in question: 

By default, a picture consists of one single "camera angle" plus one optional panel, typically a close up on the tinies or a before -> after. I will not draw in detail more than two giants and two tinies unless the idea makes it workable. If your idea requires several distinct successive actions or if it requires to show several wildly different points of view or many characters, we can work through it together, just contact me.

Additionally, streamlining ideas makes for more distinctive and interesting compositions! People who pay more than the baseline $30 have more freedom in terms of panels, number of tinies and content.



Very reasonable rule changes.


an understandable and reasonable change. Hope it helps even things out!


Pas de problèmes pour les nouvelles règles ^^ je t’avais déjà envoyé ce que je voulais tu m’avais demandé lors d’un stream. Par contre je ne sais plus si c’était sur patreon ou discord