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There's something about obscuring the eyes that's so hot, which is one piece of inspiration for this commission. The other piece was Squarepeg3D's awesome work in his Applying Oneself series. This time Ymir goes to town on the Queen's face, plapping her dark, heavy nuts against her eyes before nutting down her throat. ENJOY~! :D




Dark heavy nuts are the most prestigious veil for a Queen.


I love both Ymir and Thiccstoria poses, both beautifull and Hot work?


Holy shiiiiit! This is absolutely fantastic, between the poses, the expressions and that lovely sight of Historia’s face being obscured by her girlfriend’s massive nuts is amazing. Also, good to see that despite packing a howitzer that matches her muscles, she’s more than happy to let her bae top still. That’s a healthy and reciprocal loving relationship right there! ❤️


Thank you very much~! You know she's gotta indulge herself (and her grilfriend) every once in a while. It makes them both happy!


Historia is such a considerate girlfriend.~ makes me wonder how she handled Studkasa in her little “competition” with Ymir. Maybe next month I can see if we can figure that out, would you be up to a comm by then when I’m a bit more financially capable of it? ^ ^


Hey, Ymir needs to get her sceptre polished too, and who better to do that than Queen Thiccstoria! :D