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Another flat color commission in this series. Ymir has had her fun but Mikasa just doesn't run out of steam. Enjoy!




Damn the draw is well done an amazing job! Will it be possible to do a commission for a second part of that draw ?😅


Possibly! You can find all the relevant info here: https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/SavalKas/blogs/7620/Commissions-are-OPEN-2-1-2023


Really enjoy your AOT characters


I’m torn on this one, love how goddamned shredded Mikasa is as always, and her being a cocky alpha is hot as hell…but Ymir and Krista being as close to an OTP as I get with stuff, the idea of Ymir getting cucked is a tad uncomfortable. However, everyone has different tastes and I won’t kinkshame, that and your artwork is as impeccable as always. Excellent job my friend.

Bookus Wookus

Annie is just along for the ride! Thanks again for the hard work.


I am aware, simply stating my opinions. As I said, I am not attempting to kink shame, simply share my thoughts on the piece. If I came off as harsh or backhanded I apologize, that wasn’t my intention at all.


I get that, which is why I can also imagine Historia offscreen chuckling to herself at Mikasa's boasting. All good either way.


Thank you my friend, I always like to joke that for someone as full of hot air as I am that I have a difficult time getting my point across accurately. ^ ^’