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Brody was an average teenage boy, at sixteen, standing at 5 feet tall and weighing just 99 pounds, he was very much below average and underweight for his age. He led a typical teenage life, attending school where he excelled in most subjects, drawing unwanted attention, hanging out with friends, and playing video games in his spare time. Little did he know, his life was about to take an unexpected turn.

It was a chilly Christmas morning, and Brody woke up early with excitement in his heart. As he walked down the stairs, he could see the beautifully wrapped presents under the tree, waiting to be opened. He couldn't wait to see what his parents had gotten him this year. As he started unwrapping his gifts, he noticed a rectangular box that was wrapped in shiny blue paper with a golden bow on top. His parents had always been creative with their wrapping, but this one looked particularly special. He carefully tore off the paper and opened the box to find a set of dumbbells and a large container of protein powder.

At first, Brody was a bit surprised. He had never asked for this!

"Whoa! Thanks, Mom and Dad!" Brody exclaimed, his enthusiasm bubbling over as he examined the weights. His parents exchanged a knowing glance, aware that their 16-year-old son was determined to transform his thin frame into a more muscular one.

"We thought you might enjoy getting into fitness," his dad said with a grin. "And maybe putting on a bit of weight, buddy."

Brody was well aware of his stature. He had always been the smallest in his class, and the desire to change that fuelled his excitement.

As the day went on, Brody couldn't wait to try out his new gifts. He started doing some bicep curls with the dumbbells, feeling the burn in his muscles. He then mixed the protein powder with some milk and drank it, enjoying the sweet taste and the energy it gave him.

His parents also had another surprise for. The family's garage had long disused for years and had amassed a huge amount of dust and cobwebs. His dad's old workout equipment sat there, sadly unused. His parents gave him the key to the garage. "What's this for?" Brody laughed. "Why are you giving me this?" "Well, we thought you could turn the garage into your own personal gym if you like", his Mum beamed. Overwhelmed with emotion, Brody hugged them both, dashed out into the snow and unlocked the huge garage doors.

The equipment that had been collecting dust and cobwebs for years was still in good working condition. Brody's dad had always been interested in fitness, too, and he had accumulated an impressive collection of old workout equipment over the years. There were dumbbells, barbells, and benches perfect for strength training and bodybuilding. There were also exercise bikes and elliptical machines ideal for cardio workouts. He could not wait to get started and turn the garage into his own personal fitness sanctuary. With the key to the garage in his possession, he knew he had all the freedom and space he needed to achieve his fitness goals.

Over the next few days, Brody spent hours in the garage, transforming it into his personal gym. With a little cleaning and rearranging, he turned the neglected space into his  fitness haven. The rusty weights and dusty equipment became his new companions.

His routine started slowly, with cautious lifts and basic exercises. But soon, Brody was consumed by his new passion. The clinking of weights and the rhythmic thud of his sneakers on the treadmill echoed through the garage. His dedication surprised his parents, who observed his newfound discipline with pride.

Days turned into nights, and Brody's gym sessions became longer and more intense. He rarely left his improvised fitness sanctuary, emerging only for meals and a shower. His muscles ached, but Brody embraced the discomfort, convinced it was the key to his transformation.



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