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As he opened the door, he was taken aback by what he saw. His son stood before him in all his grandeur, butt naked - towering at 16 feet and weighing over 2 tons. Joey's massive cock loomed above him, almost 6 feet long. He cautiously looked up and met Joey's gaze, only to be met with his son's huge cock head that dwarfed his own. A strong, musky scent filled the air. His eyes trailed upwards, taking in the hairy abs and colossal pecs. He was startled and quickly grasped his chest in surprise when Joey playfully stepped forward, using the weight of his penis to push his father back. Joey's booming laughter echoed through the air as he noticed that even his gigantic dick was stronger, larger, and thicker than his father's entire figure!

Still in shock, his father tried batting it away in vain as his fingers came in contact with the sensitive skin of Joey's cock. It was so hot to touch, and was covered in veins wider than his own arms! Joey's laughter subsided.

"Hello, Dad How are you doing?" Joey giggled, trying to hide his excitement. "It's been a while since we last met, and I have grown quite a bit since then!" Joey laughed, flexing his bulging muscles. "What do you think? Have you ever seen someone with muscles as large as mine?" His father was taken aback by the sudden transformation. He struggled to find the right words to say. "Um...I...Joey, how did you manage to become so big so quickly? What is happening?" he finally asked, trying to make sense of the situation. "I have been training my body relentlessly, pushing myself to the absolute limit," Joey explained, eager to share his journey. "Do you remember our conversation about bodybuilding? Well, I have gone far beyond that. My goal is to become more than just a bodybuilder. I want to be a behemoth, a monster of strength, the greatest bodybuilder the world has ever seen!"

After what felt like a few minutes his dad spoke again. “Joey, you’re too tall to even fit in the house dude! This is insane, I can’t believe my eyes! Look at you! You’re a giant!” His dad exclaimed! “A growing giant too.” Joey replied, “You haven't seen anything yet!”



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