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Joey’s extraordinary growth prompted an urgent meeting between the doctors, fitness coaches and Joey. Joey followed suit strutting his 14’3 inch frame and cramming himself into the doctor's medical room. The doctors knew Joey at this size could do some damage but thankfully his demeanour was one of calm and not one of destruction… yet. The staff ordered him into their full body scanner and began to take multiple X-rays and blood samples. Joey was surprised he could squeeze his gigantic frame into the scanner but even then his boulder-sized shoulders were touching the sides of the scanner.

One of the staff took his weight. Joey now weighed an extraordinary 3990 pounds OR just under 2 tons of pure teenage muscle! Joey was ecstatic! Forget pounds he would rather be weighed in tons from now on! This was the  measurements of beasts, not human beings! This was just one reminder of how grossly huge he was becoming! The commotion calmed somewhat and Joey was summoned to take his height. A large crowd of doctors swarmed the X-rays. Joey’s skeleton was remarkably keeping up with his muscle growth. Joey stood there grinning, he drawfed every man in that room. His colossal cock which was almost always erect rose high above the doctor's heads his cock’s hot, mushroom head bigger, larger than any of their heads.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, the men all in their own time took a glance before awkwardly touching their own dicks horrified by the disparity in size between this teenage hunk and them!  Then the blood studies came back. “It looks like he has high levels of Trenbolone in his blood.” said one alarmed doctor. One of the main specialist doctors turned to his colleague before turning to Joey who stood there very quietly taking it all in. “Steroids obviously make sense but there is no case ever of a person growing THIS big so quickly from taking steroids  Part of him thought he should be worried but what could they do, he could pound them all into the ground with his cock if he chose but he wouldn’t. “Joey.” the specialist said in a tough but calm way “We know you’ve been taking steroids. This is not acceptable and goes against everything this camp stands for! I am shocked you’d even stoop this low but anyways the fact is this is unprecedented! We have never seen anything like this. Trenbolone should not cause excessive muscle growth in this way!”  Further tests were carried out as Joey was reprimanded. Tissue samples taken from Joey’s leg were mixed with a control sample of Trenbolone, almost immediately under the microscope the doctor watched as the cells in the tissue sample multiplied and grew at an alarming rate. After 30 seconds or so the growth stopped. He consulted the other doctors. It seemed that Joey was severely allergic to the steroids and his body's way of protecting itself was to rapidly produce more cells to heal therefore expanding in size and therefore leading to his unsettling growth.  The news was fed back to Joey. Instead of being concerned, Joey was thrilled. “So what you’re saying is, I can keep taking this stuff and I’ll just keep growing and growing and growing bigger and bigger every fucking day! Yes, this fucking rules!” Joey clenched his fists in excitement! The doctors despite their best efforts could not convince him otherwise. “Joey you need to stop taking these injections please!” the doctors begged but Joey was having none of it. There was no choice but to ask Joey to leave the camp, collect his belongings and vacate the premises.



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