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He needed a cool shower. He swaggered upstairs without a care, his whole body on show. He then proceeded to casually lather up his legs, his crotch and his abs with the soap, with all the ease that he would have, had he been in the shower of his bathroom. But this was not his bathroom, and he was far from alone! All eyes appeared to be on him and Joey went about his business completely unfazed. Everybody got a sense of the amazing confidence his colossal size and strength afforded him. It didn’t look like he was going out of his way to exhibit himself. He was simply enjoying his shower and he didn’t care who was watching him. By now he had grown accustomed to people staring at him at all times. Why should he care if he was naked? He was the most massive and awesome physical specimen on the planet and he looked DAMN GOOD!...and he knew it!

A few people watching were the junior doctors, and when Joey was finished showering they and a student there at the camp who Joey hadn't met, approached him calmly. Joey was sporting a 2 feet boner wider than any soda bottle as the guys approached. Joey could sense they had been watching and he knew what they had come to ask and he would happily oblige!

It was the steamiest group worship Joey had ever experienced. Not only was he growing into a giant, but the lads here were also lusting over his enormous muscles and massive cock. The guys knew what they were doing. They rubbed, stroked, licked and kissed his immense shaft and climbed over his huge pec shelf, kissing and licking his sensitive meaty nipples. The 3 guys brought Joey to climax. He thrust as he felt the flood of jizz roaring up from his giant balls and into his colossal cock. Several litres of jizz shot violently from Joey's organ and slapped the 3 guys' faces drenching them in his musky fluid.

With several free hours to spare, Joey texted his Father. It had been a few days since he'd contacted him and Joey knew he would sure as hell be blown over by his progress. His father was home, Joey's face lit up and he punched the air! "I can't wait for him to see me now!" he thought. Joey once again found his mind, drifting back to the steroid filled syringes in his gym locker. "It would be so easy…’ Joey thought to himself, "Just a few doses have blown me up to this size…imagine what all of them would do". As Joey allowed himself to indulge his muscle-fuelled fantasies for a moment, he found himself asking "Would I really want that life…to grow that much, become a freak of nature…nobody would ever mock me again, I could be unstoppable-".

Four powerful knocks bashed on the front door the wood groaning in pain. A deep but familiar voice echoed from behind, “ Dad, open up, it’s me!” 

As he swung the door open, he was greeted by a wall of muscle of unimaginable proportions. The top of the door barely reached Joey’s nipples, and his pecs and back were so wide they filled the entire frame. Joey's Father was more than taken aback by his son’s appearance. His father was an inch or so taller than Joey but only 190 pounds, with narrow, rounded shoulders and a little tummy poking out. When Joey had left for the Athletics Club, his father outweighed him by 70 pounds or so, a clear difference between man and boy. Now, Joey was over 2 feet taller and outweighed his dad by a good 310 pounds as much as an offseason bodybuilder weighed and little did he know he seemed bent on growing more!

He dared to look up, past the expanse of his ballooning pecs, and he found Joey’s not-so-juvenile-looking face, looking down at him as he held himself against the wall with his massive arm. He beamed at him, and he found herself immediately comforted; despite all the frightening physical changes, this was still his son “Hello Dad,” he said, his voice calm and deep.

He squatted down until his head was below the top of the door, his powerful legs ballooning with size, balancing his tremendous weight with ease. Getting a foot in, he twisted his chest to pass through sideways, taking care of not damaging anything as he did so—he had already caused the wall to crack in numerous parts while leaning on it carelessly. “You might need to make that door bigger if you want me to stay here,” he laughed as he jerked himself through it, finally getting entirely in. Ducking through the doorways of his ever increasingly smaller house Joey chuckled as his mass made the floorboards creak and his shoulders rubbed each side of the corridor. Outside was a table densely packed with food his Dad prepared for his son’s return from the Athletics club. He had drastically underprepared with how much Joey could eat. Back at camp, he was shovelling away almost 20,000 calories worth of food, enough to feed a family of eight!

“Oh sweet,” he commented as he saw the table piled up with food. His dad stayed back, too fearful to say anything. His son barely acknowledged him with a wave of the hand, too focused on getting some food in. He didn’t even bother sitting down properly, he just started rummaging through the buffet, walking around the table like a lion in a cage. He couldn’t get over how small everything in the house looked; in a day or two, he would certainly not fit in here anymore!

“So... how's bodybuilding camp?”

His son seemed unfazed by his father’s sudden question. “It's a dream!” he said between two mouthfuls. “I'm the biggest guy there and I've barely been there a few weeks!” he added, still eating.

"That is incredible!" His Dad replied but feeling uneasy about how someone could become so huge so gargantuan all in a matter of weeks. His Dad went on to compliment just about every inch of Joey's frame.

Hearing praise for his exploits made Joey more than happy—he could feel his dick throbbing underneath his tiny shorts, and his bulge grew accordingly, the oversized mushroom-like head of his dick pushing against the white material. He liked everything about being big, but what got him off the most was surely the reactions of others: from wonder to panic, there was a bit of everything in everyone.

Joey demolished everything off the buffet but was STILL hungry! "Lucky I brought seconds", he laughed pulling a huge protein shake out o his gym bag. He hefted the thick shake and chugged the whole thing in one go, the protein shake oozing down the side of his mouth and dripping onto his heaving muscular chest . He burped loudly as the last trickles of it trickled into his mouth and down his throat, feeding more growth, and he fingered up the bits that had dripped onto his pecs.

“Mmmm, that’s the stuff. I can’t wait until I get even bigger” Joey said while feeling the weight of his pecs. “I just want to keep growing and getting bigger and stronger. What do you think, Dad?” he said as he flexed his traps, arms, and chest in an abbreviated most muscular.



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