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Time to hit the gym whilst on this high! The punching bags were free so he got his heart rate up with a 15 min session before moving onto the workout equipment. Mike was his mentor again and was on hand to help to with his chest fly exercises. 

He did 2 sets of tricep extensions and three sets of bicep curls for 12 reps each with 10kg dumbbells a huge leap from the 2kg just two weeks before! He did two sets of shoulder flys which added a spectacular pump to his torso. He completed the first set of 15 using nearly all the resistance the machine could muster. But Joey felt he could handle more. He put the machine on maximum resistance and performed 1 set of 10 on the machine. Mike stood there speechless. He couldn't help but notice Joey's tank crawl up ever so slightly as his, arms, lats and chest appeared to grow wider and fuller. He rubbed his eyes maybe it was just the pump or his lack of sleep. He left Joey to it to get himself a drink from the water fountain.

Next, he moved on to the leg press. Unbeknown to Joey, slowly his gym shorts had started to rip and tear as the fabric straining. He felt very energized. He wondered if he was just excited, or if it was the effect of the injections. He thought he could feel his muscle fibres expanding, his bones stretching ever so slightly…or maybe it was just wishful thinking. He definitely felt pumped. He was growing!  A mischievous grin appeared on his face. “Man…this is awesome." He thought "I actually felt like I was growing when I was pumping up. I mean seriously growing! But I thought that was just a feeling”, Joey said looking down at his legs and then smiling to himself. “Shit, I guess I wasn’t imagining it!” Growth like this was unheard of. He continued working out until lunch. 

His tank top clung to his sweaty now muscular torso stretching his tank top to the breaking point. Smug he made his way to the showers before anyone else. Joey jumped in the shower and lathered himself up, taking time to flex and feel all of his muscles. All this from "one dosage" of steroids! He could not resist lathering up his throbbing cock and unleashing a huge load onto his abs and the shower walls. Forget 19 pounds in two weeks little did he know he had gained 15 pounds just that morning!

During the night he slept like a baby as his body grew again! His growth seemed to be increasing daily! Joey awoke to find his underwear shredding around his waste. The outline of his cock pushed against the strained, beleaguered fabric. Joey's balls were quickly approaching the size of small oranges. Excited to measure his height he asked a nearby check physician who hold no problems with Joey checking his progress. "How tall am I now, Doc?” Joey asked eagerly.

“Seven feet tall..." the doctor replied quietly, slightly worried. “Hell yeah!” Joey boomed as he stared down at the doctor. He barely reached his shoulders! "Time to hit the weights!" The doctor scribbled down Joey's latest stats in the journal, how the hell was this kid growing so fast?

Dumbell presses, legs presses you name it Joey did it. It seemed with each lift the weight felt lighter and lighter. “Fuck yeah…gettin’ bigger by the moment”, Joey grunted as he performed another lifting set.

Joey felt his tank top getting uncomfortably tight as the workout progressed. He opted to leave it on, though, since he feared he wouldn’t be able to put it back on if he peeled it off once more. Joey blasted his arms, doing concentration curls and tricep presses with the 50 pound dumbbells. He then moved on to bicep curls with 280 pounds on a barbell. He did three sets of each, doing 15 reps in each set. He then moved on to his back routine. Using the maximum resistance the machine could offer, he performed seated cable pull-downs and standing cable pull downs to work his upper back and lats, again performing 3 sets of 15 on each. He laughed as he felt the threads of his tank top snapping under the growing width of his back. In one clean rip, he ripped off his shorts and carried on working out naked his colossal dick was on show for everyone.

He then did the unthinkable. He grabbed the dumbells marked 100 pounds and began doing concentration curls and tricep presses. His whole body felt on fire. His muscles twitched and throbbed. A huge rush of pleasure and pain cascades over him as the unthinkable happened Sure enough, he slowly began to expand in all directions. The look on his face was of pure bliss as he experienced the sensation of growth. The floor creaked and strained under his growing weight as he inflated, they were not designed to support such a large man.

His shoulders were broadening, which seemed impossible, but he could see with his own eyes. In a moment he realized it was not just his shoulders growing larger but his chest too as his pecs began to expand. Joey looked down at his body which had suddenly gone wild with impossible growth. His once flat chest was expanding outwards before his eyes. He brought his hands up to feel his burgeoning pecs and was awestruck to see that his forearms were widening too. Following his arms up past his elbows he could see that his biceps were also growing.

Once again looking in the mirror he was astounded to see that his previously skinny torso was seemingly twice as big as before and still growing. His neck was swelling, no longer a thin shaft connecting an overlarge head to sloped shoulders but a thickening column of muscle. His shoulders seemed to be growing ever wider, while his deltoids were becoming developed and rounded. His biceps and triceps were rippling with newfound power and when he brought his arms up to flex them they looked like the arms of one of the football player jocks who made his life hell at school. His pecs looked like slabs of growing meat under his skin with an ever-enlarging valley appearing between them. His back was growing noticeably broader and his triceps felt the unfamiliar thrust of his lats forcing his arms out from the side of his body. His waist seemed to be the only part of his body that was not broadening but his stomach muscles were rolling and bunching under his skin, developing to an extent he never dreamed possible. Pound after pound of bone and muscle poured into his heaving body.

Suddenly the feeling subsided. His view was now a little higher and his body, well his body was almost twice as big as it was before. In just under an hour Joey had grown 1.5 feet in height and added 360Lbs to his frame!! Joey felt a tap on his back. It was one of the mentors. " Come with me!" he urged "Now!" He escorted Joey back to the health lab and asked to take his stats, Joey happily obliged. He was now 8'5 tall. A flurry of doctors and nurses had now entered the lab. Joey was asked to move over the scales. Stood with his legs apart, one massive foot on each of the two scales Joey felt almighty as he stood there being weighed, a sea of heads moving about barely at chest level to him. He felt absolutely massive. The scale's max weight was 500Lbs... and he was 500Lbs. A loud crack resonated through the room as the scales broke under Joey's weight. " How am I supposed to keep tabs on my weight now?" Joey exclaimed over to the doctors huddled around the computer.



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