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After the 5 am extreme workout it was health check time again but this time at the nearby health centre. Little did Joey notice but through the night he had gained a little weight, but in his tired state he was too exhausted to notice, even when his t-shirt appeared to be a little too small he took it down to it shrinking in the wash. 

Upon arrival, Joey was asked to give a urine and blood sample. Fear immediately ran through his mind. Any hint of steroid use would be found in his urine. Panicking in the toilets he took a pee sample in the cup (regardless he needed a sample) and on his way out noticed a young lad had placed his sample on the floor next to himself as he tied his laces. It was now or never. Joey swiftly swapped the two samples and went and place the "new" sample on the collection desk. He had done it!

The doctor would now take his blood. Maybe it was the heat in here but he was definitely feeling woozy and light-headed. His muscles ached and his throat hurt bad—not like a sore throat or tonsillitis he’d had as a kid but right in the centre of his neck in the front, like his stupid Adam's apple was fighting to escape his throat. Little did he know he had grown the slightest bit whilst sitting there waiting!

The doctor returned, "Everything is in check, your blood and urine are healthy, and you're free to go."

Free of nerves and with a clean bill of health it was back to the club for lunchtime. Kyle had made a protein-punching lunch consisting of corned beef sandwiches, chicken soup and steak with potatoes, spinach and carrots. The afternoon was followed by another intense all body workout. Pumped beyond belief Jey broke his PB's again lifting far more weight than he had done previously. His best feat was two sets of bicep curls for 12 reps each with 5kg dumbbells. All this working out was doing wonders for his body and throughout the entire workout, his body would grow albeit slightly adding about 2 pounds to his frame. He couldn't seem to shake the woozy feeling still so settled in for an early night. The extra time in bed would do wonders for his physique.

“Holy shit! Joey exclaimed out loud, thankfully not waking anyone else in the dorm. He looked slightly taller and, holy fuck, he had muscles! Not huge ones, mind, but definitely muscles. "Man, I’m getting bigger everywhere!” he chuckled as he fondled the heavy contents of his package appreciatively. He couldn't wait to see what he weighed to see how much he had grown overnight. But first another dose of steroids! Just like before he took an unknown dose not bothering to measure the prescribed liquid into the syringe. Gosh, it felt better and better each time!

After breakfast, it was time for his weekly weigh-in. When the nurse called Joey’s name, he was a little worried about what the reaction would be once they saw the size of his junk. Would he be subjected to all kinds of tests or experiments? It was a tough thing to think about…

He walked into the room and greeted the doctors. He understood now the procedure and stripped down to his underwear. He was lucky enough to nab a bigger pair from the laundry pile before his examination. He could make out his thick manhood snaking down his left leg, where his thighs pushed his rod against the fabric of his shorts, making the outline of his massive head clearly discernible. While the Doctor asked the nurse to take his weight, his temperature, and his blood pressure, and to measure his height. Joey felt a little nervous at first, but the nervousness then calmed down when the doctor looked him over and confirmed that he seemed to be healthy. The doctor smiled and Joey dropped his head nervously, had they found out?! Would he be kicked out?! "I have some good news for you Joey" the doctor spoke with a delightful smile. "You've gained some weight, not fat, muscle! You're now 140 pounds!" The doctor was pleased but didn't share his concern. Deep down an increase of 19 pounds in two weeks was unheard of.. but the fitness instructors and mentors had been putting Joey through his paces, maybe because he was so underweight his body was reacting positively. Joey couldn't contain his excitement. "What the hell!" He exclaimed. "Also I need to point out you have also grown taller, two inches taller."

 Nine pounds and two inches in height... shit these steroids were potent. He thought he would pack on some weight but at 18 surely he was done growing any taller! Wow!



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