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When Elliot's 28 year old hunk of a roommate Lucas, bet Elliot £10 that he couldn't gain 10Lbs in one week to equal his stunning weight of 300Lbs,  the seed was planted for Elliot to do all he could to win the bet. "I'll even chuck in another £10 for every 10Lbs you gain!" he joked!

Lucas was a huge lad standing at 6'1 and weighing in at 300Lbs of steal hard muscle! Elliot however was much taller at only 18 years old he stood at 6'6 and weighed 290Lbs himself. His face was covered in a bushy beard and body was covered in a manly veil of hair made him look much older! For a teenager, he was easily the biggest lad in his college!

"I'll show him!" Elliot thought as he pushed his muscles to the limit and increased his calorie intake to 10,000 calories a day..



Jason Mack

What a great, intriguing intro! Can't wait to see what happens!