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The pair stood there in silence. Stefan was now in complete admiration of the teenage muscle giant. When Arian adjusted his footing to flex his monstrous legs Stefan could feel the ground rumbling away. Arian was feeling too restrained now in the gym, he barely fit anymore. All his muscles were throbbing, and vibrating, a feeling he had never felt before. it almost felt orgasmic. "I need to get out if here!" He snapped. "I feel so weird man!" The pair awkwardly made their way out of the gym, Arian ducked his head as much as he could, but still his traps touched the ceiling and his arms knocked off plaster of the walls. He had to punch a hole in the wall with his incredible fists just to accommodate his bulk so he could fit through the door. His once huge gym now too small for the growing titan. Little did he know he had started growing again whilst moving out of the house. 

Finally out the house Arian breathed a sigh of relief. Stefan gawked upward at his impressive friend, standing there naked. His humongous hairy frame towering over him. “I know it sounds weird but I feel so fucking horny after how much I’ve grown today." And straight away Arian's massive cock started to grow and grow getting bigger and bigger  until it soared up wards defying gravity. His cock had grown! Stefan had no words this was by far the biggest cock in the world! It had grown so much in the space of few minutes it looked out of proportion to the rest of his massive body. It was maybe the same size as him! Arian still felt weird his muscles still feeling painful, what was happening, suddenly a weird orgasmic feeling took over and he started to expand...



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