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Arian was flexing each and every muscle over and over. He felt pumped from it all. He felt stronger and he looked taller! He also felt extra horny, his cock twitching with excitement with each flex of his giant muscles. He quickly grabbed his phone and sent a text to Stefan asking if he wanted to come over and "hang" within seconds Stefan replied with what was an excited YES MAN! "I can't wait to pose in front of him" Arian thought. "I know he's gonna be so shocked when he sees me now". A few minutes later the doorbell rang, it was Stefan. Stefan could hear the boom of Arian's footsteps as he waddled to the door, the booms getting louder and louder the door rattling! It had only been 3 days since he last saw Arian, he knew Arian was growing fast but he didn't expect what he saw next! "Hey man." Arian boomed down as he answered the door, Stefan stood there speechless, mouth open unable to speak, this was a monster teenager talking to him. Arian weighed 515 pounds 3 days ago now he weighed well over 1100 Ibs over double what he had weighed previously! Arian dwarfed Stefan, his mighty pecs strutting right above Stefan's head, they looked bigger than beachballs and every inch of them was covered in wiry manly hair. He was unable to talk. "Fuck.. dude you're gonna have to speak sooner or later you cant keep your giant bro waiting!" Arian boomed. "Y..yo.. you.. you're enormous!! Stefan gawked! You're massive!!!!! What the hell bro how big are you now!?" Stefan asked"10"9" and 1090 Ibs last time I checked," Arian exclaimed proudly his friend unable to fathom these incredible results. Arian stood there in his posing thong as his friend stepped inside.

Arian felt incredible and it turned him on even more. "Check me out!" Arian blew into a most muscular and suddenly his growth started again this time it was very noticeable for them both! The muscles of his neck and traps bulged with size, as did his giant chest, which just ballooned with more and more mass with each passing moment. What were the biggest arms in the history of mankind now appeared to be a few inches bigger. His stance widened as his titanic thighs continued to grow impossibly larger. His cock was no exception. It throbbed larger and thicker as his cock continued to stretch the fabric of his already tight posing trunks to their breaking point. Every part of his body was growing! "FUCK I'M MASSIVE!" Arian roared as he ripped off his tight posing thong revealing his enormous bulging cannon of a cock. His hard dick was 30 inches long and 13 inches around. Stefan stood there in awe, his huge dick hovering above his head. Arian began stroking his colossal shaft. He then grinned down. "Let's go to the garage, I want to see how much bigger I've grown." Stefan followed behind.

Upon reaching the mirrors, he hit some more poses for his astonished friend, even Arian was blown away by his massive body. He needed to know his stats. Stefan grabbed a ladder which was now kept in the garage as this was the only way to reach the top of Arian's head. His upper arms were now 76 inches (over 6ft) around! His herculean chest was an awesome 105 inches (Nearly ten feet) around! Had he inhaled, his measurement would have been undoubtedly several inches more! His thighs were a floor rattling 88 inches around while his massive calves measured 69 astonishing inches. His feet were 14 inches wide and 30 inches long! His height and weight were astounding. From 10'9" feet in height, only this morning Arian had grown to 11"8” in just a few hours! The giant muscle jock now weighed in 1672 pounds, a gain of about 580 pounds of rippling muscle in no more than a few hours. This was his biggest growth spurt yet! Stefan stood there gasping.



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