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He slept like a baby, that evening, his broad back, and muscles taking up every inch of his bed. As he slept, he grew, more weight, more height, more and more muscle. Every inch of his body was becoming hairier. Arian awoke with an itchy face, he scratched it, his face was overwhelmingly hairy, he had somehow managed to grow a beard in one night! This pleased him very much! He looked like a muscle bear now and he was only eighteen! He smiled to himself as he raised his biceps into a mid numbing bicep pose!  Little did he know during the course of the night he had shot up to 9'5" and well over 500 pounds of solid ground stomping muscle! Delighted by his size he decided to hit some poses, and if by magic, during this, his weight and height crept up every so slowly!  Unbridled, steel-hard mass began pouring into his giant body at a furious rate. The trickle of growth continued still. His back grew a little bit wider encroaching on the adjacent walls of  his room and now his shoulders grew slightly  broader. He loved to flex his breath taking muscles  he flex his pecs and stared as his chest heaved to greater and greater size with every breath, his nipples now visibly expanding!. His tree-trunk thighs were packing on a tremendous amount of muscle, their mind-boggling width now rivalling, if not surpassing the girth of a tractor tire!  His calves grew too,  his feet stretching also. His head and shoulders were not far from pressing firmly against the ceiling. Arian amazed with this growth didn't want to stop! He felt his body becoming heavier, his view changing as he crept up in height. His large XXXXL thong growing increasing smaller as his flaccid dick and balls grew. He finished posing and looked around his childhood room, It was becoming smaller and smaller. It was only now that he realised he might not be able to fit through the door! Turning sideways, his bulging pecs pressed up against the edge of the doorway, they were actually bigger than footballs! His massive back now wedged against the other wide of the door frame! Arian chuckled to himself at this challenge, he didn't want to damage it, but there was no way out other than forcing his growing body through! With a powerful force he squeeeeezed through the door, the wood cracking and snapping as he did, the plaster walls cracking too! CRASH! He was out of his room! His doorway shattered, with debris all over the carpet! He was loving this transformation, he didn't want to stop growing! His family had gone out, but he had no explaining to do, how else could he have got out the room.

After a massive breakfast again, and  he made his way to the gym, he flirted with his reflection, thankfully the tall mirrors let him see his beautiful beard. He had trouble now fitting on his resistance machine! His cock was now growing erect and he pulled his thong off in time as his 21 inch dick sprang out! He decided to hit some more poses before showering, he was becoming sweaty from all this posing. He decided to not flex as hard as earlier, saving anymore growing for later. Even still his body was still growing even if he didn't notice. His body weight still increasing minute by minute all be it slowly at the moment. The bathroom door was thankfully wider so no destruction was needed  but there was no way he could fit in the shower anymore! He resorted to scrubbing himself with a wet flannel and soap instead, he had become so big, his arms and pecs so large, it was becoming increasingly difficult to reach his back and other areas of his body, as his muscles just got in the way! Next he trimmed his beard back down to stubble, he wanted to see how long it would take for his beard to come back! Probably not long. He grabbed a pair of blue sorts his parents had brought, they were snug but they fit well over his legs and dick.

Not getting enough of his muscles he headed down to the gym again to his a few poses. Suddenly the doorbell rang. He made his way to answer it.



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