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Two weeks after his 18th. Arian had continued to live in his garage,  working out without stopping for hours upon end. His heaving pecs and arms were growing like balloons along with the rest of his muscles. That Saturday afternoon his family were having their neighbours over his Sister was best friends with the neighbour's daughter, and both their parents got on very well. They had a 19-year-old son, Stefan. They were mutual acquaintances, they didn't go to the same school, Arian only knew him in passing even though they had been neighbours for nearly 10 years. Stefan was a real looker. Perfect teeth, deep brown eyes, short, curly, brown hair and a lean muscular physique, at 5"10 and around 200Ibs he was a real stud and often had local girls over.

The two families has not seen each other over the summer as the Cleary family had been away. The Fry's invited them round that afternoon for a BBQ in the afternoon heat. Arian prised himself away from his gym and took a quick shower, he even had enough time to rub one out in the shower, rubbing his upper body all over as he did. He shot a massive load that splattered against the glass shower door. Arian could have sworn his dick was bigger. It looked to be a good 8 inches long. He towelled himself off and changed into a grey t shirt, which fit him 2 weeks ago, now it clung tightly to his bulging muscles and a pair of red trousers which proudly showed off his impressive bulge. The Cleary family arrived at 3 pm on the dot and were welcomed in their daughter running over to hug his younger sister. Stefan strolled moodily, in behind them, nodding and saying a quick hello as he was directed to the kitchen. Arian was snacking away on some fruit as the family walked in. A huge pause followed before they exchanged hellos. Stefan was gobsmacked! How the fuck was this the same kid! Surely it wasn't Arian! He always remembered Arian being slightly taller but never this built! This was crazy. What a transformation!

The families helped themselves to food and the girls made their way outside to the garden. Stefan walked into the dining room to eat by himself. The Clearly parents, also in shock, turned to the Fry's in wonder and shock. " So Arian.." they cleared their throats and almost whispered, but without realising Arian was in earshot." Is he erm.. is he ok? I have heard of growth spurts before but seriously!? Arian loving the attention smirked to himself as he walked off. The Fry's didn't really know what to say.

Arian walked into the dining room and sat with Stefan. Pulling up his chair, the chair squeaked under his weight. "Hi," Arian said confidently" "Dude, what the hell man! What's going on?" Arian wasn't sure if this was an actual question and due to his polite manner he replied " What do you mean sorry?" Stefan replied loudly before quickly realising his tone and changing to a kind of whisper. " You're huge! You were always taller than me man, but look at you now! You have got to be what, 6"8, 6"9? and what do you weigh? My gosh, you're massive!" "7"4" Arain replied" and "302 Ibs give or take" Stefan couldn't believe his ears, how the hell had he grown so much in such a short amount of time, the last time he had seen Arian was about 5 weeks ago before his holiday. "I want to know more" Stefan replied " How did you get so big? Your parents told me you always found it hard to put on weight etc" A huge smile appeared across Arian's face. He answered cockily. " Must be my genetics" he laughed " Come off it." Stefan butted in. Out of nowhere, he answered back "I wished for it."  "Wished for it?" Stefan looked confused. "Look come outside and I'll explain" The pair walked outside together, Arian ducking his head to get through the doors. Once they reached the pool. Arian explained.

"For my Eighteenth I wished to be bigger," he said nervously. "I wished that I could grow and grow okay, but just don't tell anyone please," Arian said anxiously " I won't" Stefan looked at him reluctantly" "But why?" He asked "Because, like I hinted to my parents, who by the way don't know either, I want to be the biggest bodybuilder there ever was  I AM insatiable. My goal is to be the biggest and strongest man ever! I’m growing like a weed! I know I can do it!" Stefan looked away nervously, almost scared, this kid wasn't lying. Stefan plucked up the courage to speak. " I think you can do it." He looked at Arian. Arian was taken aback, almost moved, he placed his big hand slowly on Stefan's back. Stefan couldn't believe how big his hands were either. They were almost twice as big as his! "My sister and now you are the only people who have said that. My parents honestly think I'm kidding around, but I'm going to prove it to them, every day I'm going to work out like mad and each day I'll be bigger and bigger and bigger!"  A serious look appeared on his face before he broke out into a nervous laugh. The pair ate their food together by the pool before getting changed and taking a swim. Arian's hulking body putting Stefan's to shame. Arian was about to prove to everyone he really wasn't kidding about getting bigger, much bigger.



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