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Arian's growth continued. So much so he started to take his stats every day as he found himself growing bigger each day!  Arian stood on his scale and found that his weight had jumped all the way up to 190 pounds! A gain of 34Ibs in just over 2 days. His height had increased from 6"2 to 6"6. "It's happening," he thought excitedly to himself. He went back to his bench press to see how much he could bench. He loaded the 120Ibs weight One, Two, Three, grunt,  Four,  Five, Six  He could now bench 120lbs for 6 reps! A new personal best. Smashing his record of 100Ibs for 6 reps.  Arian spent the day training every part of his body, biceps, abs, legs and most importantly his chest, his pecs were his favourite muscle group. His pecs were starting to look tremendously bulky and round. He loved the feel of his pecs pumping up and he now had just enough muscle to bounce them up and down. This pleased him to no end.  His chest stretched the tape to now 39 inches!!! His chest was now 10 inches bigger than last week! He smiled in the mirror as he inhaled, his chest expanding. He lifted his tank slightly and felt his abs. "I’ve added some serious size to my ‘guns,"  he thought happily, he had measured his arms yesterday at 17 and a half inches. This was just the start. He was going to stretch out every shirt he owned with muscles like these.

Height: 6’6”
Weight: 190 lbs. 
Chest: 39” 
Arms: 17.5'
Thigh: 30” 

Calf: 10"'

Foot: 11'



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