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Yo everyone, Biggie here! :D

Very happy now that I finally finished this shit, it really took a big work, lol, so I'm feeling very proud of all my effort. Yo know, I tried to do it as fast as I could, so there's some shitty drawings, I think, so in this days I'm going to take a time to correct that details, but it's not too much, and well, I'm very grateful with you guys, that wait until now (I know, a long time hehe) to get it, and really thanks for your support and being part of this project. this is for y'all with much no homo love! <3

 And I really hope this can make your next days better!

Thank you so much again! Now I'm going to retake the animations and it's time to begin the Hinata's Session, that I know, all of you are waiting for it too!

Remember, be naughty, and wait for all next projects I have for you!

Peace ヽ(^o^)丿

(If you’re new, to get the comic you have to read the “I’M GOING TO RETIRE” post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/im-going-to-54682826

and read the instructions below)

(Si eres nuevo, para obtener el comic debes leer el post: “ME VOY A RETIRAR”:


 y seguir las instrucciones que están abajo)



Neostar Productions

This has certainly been a fun read! Looking forward to the future Hinata session! 😎👍🏾


Can't wait to see Hinata have her turn!

Steven White

Certainly been fun to read, can’t wait see the hinata animations


wow, what a pleasure :) thank you very much!


I don’t get it, do I have to pay 10$ more for the whole comic?


Kind of shady to have this page be accessible to basic members, giving the impression it's cheap, and then hide the actual comic behind an even bigger paywall.


I'm not saying it shouldn't be 10$, you charge what you feel is fair. The deception though? That's not cool.


Chill man BIGGIES00 cant just treat the 2$ and 10$ members the same just wait the best thing he can do is give us access to the comic before the twitter and r34 followers like a week or 2 before they get to see it


Of course I cannot treat $10 members the same than $2 members, and yes, you'll have acces to the full comic before media


when tho that is the real Q


I feel that you are not joking 🙂 are you actually posting it next year if yes THEN...


then I just might just yake the 10$ one to see it