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Hey everyone! Hope you're doing well. I'm here for a few things that I need to tell you:

First thing is something that people on Discord already know: our first comic is coming! "Hot Days In Konoha" will be about 40 pages long, which means yes, a lot of work hehe u.u, and it will take a lot of time, so that's the good news. The second news is that because of the aforementioned, I am quite limited on time with the rest of the animation work. Also because of the way I have to manage my Twitter account, which you guys know is my main source of publicity and the one that has helped the most in growing this community. I have been considering reorganizing my way of working, because I devote so much attention to this platform, my social media accounts have been somewhat inactive and have not had much growth lately. This new way of working will mean that animations from now on will happen less often or will no longer have as many variations, it does NOT mean that there will be less content, on the contrary, it is to be able to create much more content in the form of drawings, minicomics, sketches, etc. which are much faster to do and will be much more frequent, so I will no longer be stuck for days with a single animation and its variations and I will be able to do more short animations and all of the aforementioned. This also does not imply that the animations with many variations as we have been having them are no longer, but that they will be more special and less frequent. I promise you that quality will do nothing but keep going up so this is not a loss at all. However, until the comic has been finished (I estimate it could be until mid-August) IT IS POSSIBLE that we do have less content, in any case I will do my best so you guys don't notice much of a difference and you continue to have what you deserve: Lots Of Phat Asses

Finally, I want to announce that the "Big Biggie" Tier will be removed next month  since we have very few people in that tier and I it's almost another Litle Biggie tier. Any questions or comments please leave as a comment or by DM. That's everything. A big thank you for all your support that allows me to continue and motivates me to always improve. I send you a hug from me and from our queen Sakura

  Peace!  <3

Your dude: Biggie

(New animation today!)



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