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Patreon Release is here ... 

News, actual new news:

Dr, fucking Cahill, fucking. Yeah Goodenzexzy Cahill is finally ready for her debut

Of course Dr. Cahill will be a puzzle. As always its a fucking puzzle. Lots and lots of fucking and fucking around fucking. Fuck games need to be about fucking, not playing tic-tac-toe. Keep fucking, you'll fucking get her to fuck.

The list of fixed stuff is just stupidly long here's some random highlights ...

  • {DONE} Freeze when exiting Amy sex encounter. Cahill's reaction wzs broken.
  • {DONE} Fixed wrong reference to SexCam3 in SIN_1_Deepthroat and SIN_2_Deepthroat
  • {DONE} Cahill gains lust watching you and Amy.
  • {DONE} Randomize Randy's lobby dialog.
  • {DONE} Fix Heather Sin Credits for first pregnancy.
  • {DONE} Amy not offering to enable SIN when deactivated.
  • {DONE} Need PuzzleSolveCahill

The Goods

The Big Thaw and Turanga Pages 

The Big Thaw at Newgrounds 




TyranoBuilder. Which is a extension of TyranoScript. Which is an extension of KAG. Which is an extension of NodeJS . And in the case of the online version it's HTML5.


P.S. If I'd realized TB was like peeling an onion of fail I'd never have started with it, 4 layers of APIs is a recipe for disaster. Also the offline players use Chromium.

A Patreon of the Ahts

Downer. Me, I always seem to wind up in the tub with the Neptunian chick, who makes that mistake every time.


So glad to have you back, Brue.