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Top four win... so pick four.




smh this a silly month. hell or high water is really good but the other two top movies i could honestly never watch again and be cool with it


For you maybe. But A beautiful mind is in my opinion a great movie, Russell Crowe in one of his greatest performances of his career (maybe the best) and it has Ed Harris and Jimmy always enjoys him. Little Miss Sunshine is such a feel good story with great characters and it has the always amazing Toni Collette, an Oscar winning script and Paul Dano, whom Jimmy is also a fan of.... I don't understand the argument: I didn't enjoy this movie, so Jimmy won't enjoy it either.


I never said I didn’t enjoy them. I said I could go the rest of my life without seeing them again. I’ll be sure to add some suggestions next time. At least there’s hell or high water

Uncle 'Traveling' Matt

I mean, if I was president of Patreon then I would've fixed the vote for Hell or High Water, Election, Body of Lies, and The Kingdom... That being said, ending up with A Beautiful Mind, Little Miss Sunshine, Hell or High Water, and The Adjustment Bureau ain't too shabby either.