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fl soa 4x14.mov - Onehub

Onehub is a web application that provides everything you need to easily and securely share business information and files with partners, customers, coworkers, and suppliers.


Joseph LeRoy

You are going to love Pope next season. I think season 5 shows that Jax is smarter than Clay and can be just as ruthless. Weve seen Jax make very smart plays before like the deal with the ATF and how he has gotten more ruthless from season 1 but I feel season 5 shows it even better.


Whew, President Jax. I feel like he's both MVP and LVP for this season. That moment between Roosevelt and Potter was so strongly sweet. Love seeing Hale lose big as well, he is so worthless haha. Get ready for season 5, shit is about to go all the way left.

Nerd Going Outside

Your reaction to Clay surviving is not surprising - pretty much everyone felt that way when this episode first aired. The first four seasons were so obviously Hamlet-inspired and the buildup to Clay's downfall was so strong that when a CIA deus ex machina appeared to save him people were pissed. Among those that dislike SOA, many will cite this episode as their breaking point. Now, in retrospect, I'm torn. Jax murdering Clay here could have been great, but Clay is such a good character and Ron Perlman is so fucking great that losing them would be a tragedy, and I really love a lot of the story beats that occur due to Clay's survival. Will be interested to hear your take on this once the show wraps up and you can see the whole picture, but for now know that just about everyone was with you on that one. :)

Jamie Rees

Season 4 of SOA is pretty compelling television, a culmination of three seasons worth of buildup for the familial blood feud within this outlaw motorcycle club in a small town in Northern California. It pays off at the end of this season, well sort of. Clay doesn't die, but his power is neutered and he's lost support of the two key people in his life, his wife and his stepson. Clay usurped the club from the Teller family and his karma is to have the same the done to him, by the son of the man he killed for it. The decision not to kill Clay was a polarizing decision then and still now amongst fans. It made sense narratively, but Kurt Sutter did the swerve to keep everybody in the status quo but change the show in a significant way. Also he probably didn't want to write Ron Perlman off the show, understandable America's Caveman is a national treasure, even if his character deserved death most sincerely. Now we enter the Presidency of Jax Teller, head of the table with Chibs as his VP, since Opie is MIA for now. The CIA running the Galindo Cartel was also a fine twist only they could stop Ray McKinnon's bizarre antagonist this season. But he went out in style, torpedoing Hale's Charming Heights deal. Gaelan and the IRA will prove a problem going forward, but hopefully the deal can be struck with Clay still in the club. The Niners will also be a problem, with Laroy wanting vengeance for Veronica Pope's death and more importantly her father, Damon Pope a big threat on the horizon. Finally we end the season with Tara staying in Charming by her man's side, the old lady and new queen of SAMCRO. Clay wasn't the only one who got booted, as Gemma is now on the outs as her younger self personified has taken her place in this family. This really is a great season of television, a high point in the series in my opinion. Thanks Jimmy and now on to season five, cheers.


Jax threatening Clay was SO goddamn satisfying! Good acting by Charlie Hunnam this episode. I don't say that often.

Scarlett Monrow

Season 5 is good! There be some new faces; plenty of violence and humor! Can't wait. Final scene - Gemma got to watch her own dethronement. She's no longer the Queen.


LOL you literally did a double blink wide-eyed when the CIA reveal popped. Fantastic. This episode was beautifully paced and goosebumps at the cap. Some narrative thoughts: This s1-s4 is really one arc for Jax. Everything led to this. And now comes the 2nd act. This is also the full circle from the season 1 finale. Remember when Tara decided to stay? And at the funeral there is this Montagues and Capulets cut from Tara /Jax to Gemma/Clay. Brill lead up. You can feel it. So goooood. Also can see Cersei looking at Margery here too. Just darker.


I always hated him. But knowing what I know, it was a good choice. And felt a good transition. It doesn’t feel like a cheap swerve at all.


I just rewatched and tears during he and Tara’s scene. Never fails.

Carrie Petty

"I don't really like people all that much". Potter is great.

Dr. Foppo

I love what the writers did with Clay. It's such an amazing plot twist imo and the best one of the show so far. To me, the CIA plot twist was just to set up this plot twist. Of course Clay was supposed to die. The relevant characters had planned to kill him - in correlation with the expectations the show has set up so far - and they would have done it, too. So we all expected Clay's story to end here. But due to an unforeseen turn of events, they literally got defanged. They COULDN'T kill Clay even though they wanted to. It is disappointing/frustrating from most viewers POV (who wanted to see him gone as well as "punished" for everything he's done) - just as frustrating it is for the characters in the story! At the same time - as you mentioned - it also creates a level of anxiety because it's fucking Clay. He's going to end up doing something bad eventually. He's now an unknown quantity who will be willing to throw everything into chaos at anyone's expense for his own benefit. Even if we knew that something would happen that would keep Jax in Charming/in the club - we at least were hoping/expecting one particular problem - Clay - to get "resolved". Instead an immediate threat turned to one that always looms in the background. I think it's well done.