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Merry Christmas! 🎄


fl soa 4x13.mp4


Joseph LeRoy

I cant wait for the next one. My top 5 at the end of s4: 1. Jax 2. Gemma 3. Tara 4. Chibbs. When Boyd Crowder comes on this show you are gonna shit a brick man lol.

Jed U

Can't wait to see his face next szn when Pope is introduced lol

Jamie Rees

The more I watch SOA, the more I'm convinced the show wasn't deserving of the bad rap it got, but just that the decisions the club makes throughout it rubbed people the wrong way. As for top characters, the women are 1. Gemma, 2. Tara, 3. Stahl, 4. Wendy and 5. Lila. For the guys 1. Jax, 2. Chibs, 3. Clay, 4. Bobby and 5. Unser.


Jax has the most unattractive walk I have ever seen. I think that's partly the reason why he's not on my list 😂


I love Tara no matter what. Dark Tara or happy Tara 🖤


I've got 1. Stahl 2. Tara 3.Gemma 4. Chibs 5. Otto very similar to your list, 🤩 though Jax isn't on it. but if I would only include characters that are alive as of right now, Stahl can't be on it, so Tara is number 1 and it's either Roosevelt or Juice at number 5. Not the biggest fan of Opie, I find him kind of boring sometimes and Tig...oh Tig he just does the dumbest shit. and doesn't think things through. He always kills the wrong person! He wanted to kill Opie, killed his wife instead, he wanted to kill this guy, and killed his wife/girlfriend instead. Tig: You suck at this edit: Forgot about Bobby - he's fine. So is Unser. Least favorite: I'm sorry, but it's Clay.


End of season four: Jax, Tara, Opie, Bobby and Roosevelt. I would have Stahl on the list but she's dead so Forgot how nicely this season is wrapping up, excited for the finale. Season 5 is hit or miss for me, but its been a long time so we'll see.

Tyrone Tyrone

From now on the show should be called Consequences: something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions

Tyrone Tyrone

1.Stahl, 2. Gemma, 3. Unser, 4. Jax and then Clay (It's not easy being king)

Dr. Foppo

I didn't even know that it had bad rap. Only know the opinions of myself and friends I watched it with or recommended it to, tbf. Would you mind elaborating? Did the show's writing get criticism? Or did people simply not like the main cast/characters?