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fl soa 4x2.mov - Onehub

Onehub is a web application that provides everything you need to easily and securely share business information and files with partners, customers, coworkers, and suppliers.


Dr. Foppo

Bobby: "I love you [Clay]. But I love this club more." Clay: "I love you, too. But I love myself more." Jax: "I love my wife and kids and you can all fuck off." Everything ended as well as you could expect, I guess. lol

Dr. Foppo

Gemma's "outrageous" behaviour is actually very common for people with a narcissistic personality disorder. All they do - their entire life's work and motive - is to fabricate a "fake" persona of themselves that they like: the friends they choose, the job they choose, their behaviourism, their rationale...everything. Colloquially, "narcissists" are known as "people who love themselves more than anything" but pathological narcissists (with the actual personality disorder) are practically the opposite. They can't stand their own true self-image. At the same time, due to their personality disorder, they have a complete lack of empathy/see people merely as tools/pawns, are pathological liars, have little to no remorse etc. and share many traits with psychopaths (both psychopaths and pathological narcissists are two of the three personality disorders that are called "the dark triad" bc those disorders turn people into monsters, since they take away a lot of things that "make humans human" so to speak). Due to those "maladjustments" they deal with their bad self-image by using everyone and everything to create this wall of a "great persona" around them, craving social status and power. Frank Underwood is another famous pathological narcissist on a tv show. And it's fitting bc the world of a pathological narcissist is literally a house of cards. It's all a massive web of lies and deceptions. So when something threatens that delicate fake construct they panic, become paranoid, manic etc bc it's everything to them. The fear of that house of cards crumbling is like the fear of death or even worse. It's also the reason why they have to be such extreme control freaks (as also correctly shown in characters such as Gemma or Underwood). They have to protect their house of cards. It requires constant "maintenance". Their entire life is a walk on thin ice. So...yeah. Gemma is completely losing her shit. And I'm glad it was written in this way. Gemma, in general, is amazingly written and the way she behaves, reasons, acts etc are very consistent with how a pathological narcissist would. Which is great to see because most of the time, tv shows (and even movies) fail at correctly portraying someone with a personality disorder (psychopath being the most common case, of course). When it comes to medical procedures etc, writers always do their due diligence. But when it comes to psychology, most of the times it feels like writers are just like: "Ah fuck it. We'll just use some buzz words". Especially in this context, the writers of this show really outdid themselves with Gemma. I don't even know if they are aware of the fact that she is a text book pathological narcissist because they never explicitly said it in the show. But they never had to bc her behaviour is very clear, makes sense and is consistent. Most of the time it's the opposite: a character is supposed to be a psychopath or whatever bc it is said in some form of exposition (mostly dialogue) but the character doesn't match it at all.