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fl margin call.mp4


Uncle 'Traveling' Matt

There are so many great lines in this that it's a little ridiculous. However, "So you're a rocket scientist." does stand out, I think :) Watching it again this time the line that stood out to me most was actually Demi Moore's "You have kids, yeah?" to Stanley Tucci. Jesus she looks so defeated-in-life after she asks that question (I suppose the implication is that she doesn't have a family herself and perhaps feels that she's wasted her life on this company that is about to give her lots of money and then fire her.) Funny... I never noticed that moment before. I suppose in a movie filled to the brim with majestic monologues (and how!) it can be easy to overlook little moments like that one. Anyhow, that was a great reaction to a great film. So happy that you guys liked it so much!

Uncle 'Traveling' Matt

I must have seen this movie 10 times by now, at least. And I must have re-watched this reaction 2-3 times by now, at least. And yet it wasn't until this viewing that I recognized that OF COURSE none of the traders were going to get their $1.4 (+ $1.3) million bonus(es). That's why Sam was extra mad after being told that people were being sent home TODAY. 93% was impossible. They wanted them to do EVERYTHING THEY COULD to get there... hopefully not realizing, until it was too late, that it was impossible. That's why Sam was so mad. They didn't even get the "You did great, but I'm sorry..." speech from him. They just got fired, for failing to make an impossible milestone. That's why Sam says to Tuld: "They did the best they could." with as much empathy and compassion as he does. God damn I love this movie (because I know I could still be wrong.)