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fl patriot.mp4



Tom Wilkinson who plays Lord Cornwallis also plays mob boss Falcone in Batman Begins and you recently saw him as Dr. Mierzwiak in Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind.

Ben Trotter

Pretty sure the toy soldiers melted into bullets were made of lead not silver lol.


ah yes, my childhood. Glad you both enjoyed it! got me tearing up at the part where Susan is begging him to stay, even worse knowing the actress who played her died so young ;-;

Nerd Going Outside

Love this movie despite all of its flaws and its obvious mythologizing. Heath Ledger always good (RIP), Jason Isaacs makes a great villain, and Mel Gibson is a fantastic actor/director despite also being a total shithead. The glaring issue with the film is how it treats race, obviously. We're making a movie set in 1770s South Carolina and the rich, landowning main characters own no slaves? Actually, they freed all of the Black people who work for them and pay them and they are all friends and definitely not slaves? Come the fuck on lol. All the racism in the movie is shoved into one over-the-top white guy ("Get out of the pool!") who is redeemed by the end and makes friends with the super noble patriotic Black character? Jesus. I mean of course the movie doesn't work if the main character owns a bunch of slaves because we'd cheer when his house is burned and such so they had to handwave it somehow but goddamn.. Glad you guys didn't give the movie a total pass on this. Despite all that, I can tolerate the occasional semi-BS patriotic lets-pretend-America-never-fucked-up movie. Once in a while. And this is at least a fun one.

Michal Nielsen

This movie is better than when I first saw it - I think the main reason was that this was basically gibsons follow up to braveheart, and it kinda pales in comparrison and just felt like "same story / different place" in a vacuum the patriot was not that bad :)

Robert Kruger

"save a lot of ammo" - Best line from dummy EVER.


I voted for The Patriot. Sorry to say it pissed me off. Extended cut: never had seen it. Hated it. But commenting for other viewers. The additional scenes were detracting, minus the floating bodies in the river; structually broke the cadence, and mischaracterized the message. Appalled that they used the scene of charlotte seeing the free slave island huts w/ tears in her eyes.. I get what they were trying to say. She doesn't care how she lives anymore, just being alive is what matters. But it was poorly done, and made her workers or slaves deaths insignificant.  Bloated with the extra red coat backstory scenes. The head Red Coats casting choice were always the hokey element, that lessened the horror and honest fight for detachment from hunreds of years of monarchical system. For all men to be created equal. AKA, blood had always made nobility greater than common folk. Revo war was never about women or black men/women being equal to white men. There is validity in telling that plight for what it was and made of us. Down to the brutality and even the hope blacks had in wake of the win. It always was a bittersweet ending to them win, aim to build a new life, gain unity as friends, and though Occam gained freedom, the bitter is that look of hope wouldn’t happen for 100 years. The addes scenes lessened it. I'm just disappointed. Positive: they didnt fuck with my fave sequences of all period "musket" films: young sons; the way they rise to the moment to free their brother. It’s badass. Kids emotion and The choreography of Mel finishing them off, soaked in blood. Gets me every time. Ok, that’s for anyone that hasn’t seen both. Rant over. Hey that was kinda carthartic 😂