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mha 4x24 25.mov


Dean Cyphers

Damn how many people downloaded this video it says it reached the full quota of downloads lmao

Dawit Giza

Having trouble with the link

Dawit Giza

Can't download it either

Dawit Giza

hey man here's a link for this https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/1Rc244Uc2YHKnBYwoP3uFliXeGNbr4pK6?alt=media&key=AIzaSyCk4TPWHpWYolahTFLyp9SuO3dk6sMrmk8


Yeah, both this and the newly uploaded Princess Mononoke can't be viewed or downloaded at the moment=(

Ted Cali

Gotta say, that is a surprising reaction to Hawks. Figured the hyper-intelligent, kind of slimy, duplicitous, manipulative-but-still-very-talented thing would be right up your alley. I get the feeling he'll grow on you. Hopefully, or else this'll be a rough ride. The episode itself though... for me it's a toss up between this and 3x11 for all time GOAT so far. It's the same emotions, in the same magnitudes, in wildly different contexts, and that shit works so well to show the difference between All Might and Endeavor. I would say that while it's easy to view this one episode as the "Redemption of Endeavor," it really isn't that, at least not entirely. Neither the story nor the characters are letting him off of the hook for being a wifebeating child abuser, and it's worth noting that the episode with his most triumphant moment starts with a reminder of his past misdeeds. It's more like he's made a good step forward, but still has a lot of work to do, and even then it's not clear whether "forgiveness" should be in the cards.

Cadmus Lochlan

Every now and then I think I know how Jimmy is going to react and then Hawks came into the picture and now I don't know anymore how Jimmy is going to react. lol awesome as always. I have to say I don't mind a redemption arc for Endeavor, not all heroes need to be all might or deku, and a person's past shouldn't deny them a chance at helping others in the present, if they are actively trying to face the past. The path will be difficult, near impossible, but there is a chance.