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Nerd Going Outside

"...not Jax and Kohn, that'd be awkward." Hard agree, Jimmy. That WOULD be awkward. (...and it's more of a Tig thing, really...)


aww :( not sure what to make of your feelings on the things ur not fond of. Like Jax and Tara. maybe bc you just started. Or more interested in action than Jax’s/tara/gemma’s character development. This is an ep tho seemingly slower, to look back on as a significant in development. Remember this is very Shakespear. Behind guns and leather…Character driven, for purpose. Jax, w/ his son’s birth, and killing someone execution style, and warning words from his dad, haunting a him. That wrestle is is the center of Jax, and the show’s meaning; so hopefully you can grow to at least appreciate that and his love for Tara— we’ll see!!

Nerd Going Outside (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-31 14:41:04 Good shit as always. On the specific things you're not into, totally fair. Regarding the Jax and Tara( and Gemma too, really) thing, I'll be interested to hear the occasional check-in on whether or not your interest in that storyline is changing (positively or negatively) and maybe what about it is lame/getting better/getting worse/whatever. re: his father's disembodied voice and the journal... yeah, I think the writers agree with you. Without making any indication one way or another how the Jax's father storyline progresses, the specific device of a monotonous recitation every episode while Jax looks angsty is NOT a device that they continue forever. I'll leave that there. Thinking back to the first time I watched the show, I think my opinions about both these things were similar to yours, and I think part of it for me was that Tara and John Teller (and fatherhood, to some extent) are the forces in Jax's life that are pulling him away from what feels like the new/novel/interesting part of the story right now: the club dealing with Outlaw Shit.
2021-07-18 04:33:33 Good shit as always. On the specific things you're not into, totally fair. Regarding the Jax and Tara( and Gemma too, really) thing, I'll be interested to hear the occasional check-in on whether or not your interest in that storyline is changing (positively or negatively) and maybe what about it is lame/getting better/getting worse/whatever. re: his father's disembodied voice and the journal... yeah, I think the writers agree with you. Without making any indication one way or another how the Jax's father storyline progresses, the specific device of a monotonous recitation every episode while Jax looks angsty is NOT a device that they continue forever. I'll leave that there. Thinking back to the first time I watched the show, I think my opinions about both these things were similar to yours, and I think part of it for me was that Tara and John Teller (and fatherhood, to some extent) are the forces in Jax's life that are pulling him away from what feels like the new/novel/interesting part of the story right now: the club dealing with Outlaw Shit.

Good shit as always. On the specific things you're not into, totally fair. Regarding the Jax and Tara( and Gemma too, really) thing, I'll be interested to hear the occasional check-in on whether or not your interest in that storyline is changing (positively or negatively) and maybe what about it is lame/getting better/getting worse/whatever. re: his father's disembodied voice and the journal... yeah, I think the writers agree with you. Without making any indication one way or another how the Jax's father storyline progresses, the specific device of a monotonous recitation every episode while Jax looks angsty is NOT a device that they continue forever. I'll leave that there. Thinking back to the first time I watched the show, I think my opinions about both these things were similar to yours, and I think part of it for me was that Tara and John Teller (and fatherhood, to some extent) are the forces in Jax's life that are pulling him away from what feels like the new/novel/interesting part of the story right now: the club dealing with Outlaw Shit.


for u... no spoiler for jimmy in case he reads, if that was what you watched for, the testosterone of it, did that change as you saw how significant to the whole arc of the story, (including the brutality) from start to finish. That wrestle inside of Jax is the core and main motif of the story; everything rests on it, down to the closing shot of the show, as you know. Jax's dad is the driving force that thwarts everything.All these words he speaks in his memoir of warning, they are vital to existence of the narrative. I guess what I'm asking is-- was the club wars and blood,...action, what made u love the show? and thus the pieces Kurt was writing, the actual story being told, of who we start out as and who we become... the choices we make and consequences. I studied Hamlet in college and always loved it, and Kurt writing a modern tale, It's the reason I loved it, bc it has that depth ,of a novel. This ep had so much endgame in it, the whole first season is one big foreshadow. It's almost hard to watch certain dialog. :( :( worries me if jimmy doesn't like those dynamics! if someone told me they didn't like the duo of walter white and jessie, i'd be like well, maybe it's not for you hahah

Nerd Going Outside

Jimmy, don't read this. ...so, without too much detail Ashley, I'll say that Jax's inner conflict DEFINITELY grew on me. I always liked the idea of Jax struggling with his father's legacy - I was a theatre kid and a Shakespeare Studies minor, so the Hamlet parallel was great. It was just the specific on-screen device of the disembodied voice that I didn't love. When it comes to Tara, yeah, that grew on me too. Right now where Jimmy is she doesn't have a ton of depth but she becomes interesting (IMO) both for what her place in the story means for Jax but also because of her own journey and struggles. So yeah, the Cool Outlaw Shit pulled me INTO the show and is always fun, but Jax's struggle, his choices, and his journey from S1 to S7 are why I love the show.