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mha 4x22 23.mov


Ted Cali

Nah, you're dead on about the dark circles under the eyes. The implication is that Gentle added them to his appearance because La Brava was so self-conscious about hers. Anyway. I know my fellow obnoxious manga readers will think this is ridiculous considering the outrageous hype we've gotten recently, but this is still my absolute favorite Deku fight. I love how more-or-less even they are, I love how Deku has to bring in some of that Nighteye analysis, I love how he resolves the situation all by himself... and so on. And I love how Gentle is essentially a walking indictment of the titular "Hero Academia." I know that Deku verbalizes a sense of kinship with Gentle, but it's so much deeper than that. To get the obvious out of the way, Gentle's life was completely ruined because he did the same goddamned thing Deku did in the second episode - involving himself in hero business without a license. Deku got Superman powers out of it, and Gentle was expelled, disowned, and rendered homeless. Fucking equality for ya. But more than that, you see how powerful this man is and how much nuanced control he has over such a versatile quirk -- and yet somehow he failed 4 provisional licensing exams and is being held back? Yeah, that's absolutely a fault of the system when talent like that is reprimanded rather than cultivated. I dunno, I'm absolutely biased because this is my favorite animated arc, and I know it's not for everyone. Still, I love me a villain and an arc that are so tightly written around the same thematic through-line of exploring what makes a hero aside from pure strength. Anywho. That's the end of the season, absolutely nothing to see in the last couple of episodes. Ahem. Hem. Herr. Alright fine, maybe the single best episode of the anime coming next week, get absolutely fucking hyped.

Cadmus Lochlan

Gentle Criminal doesn't get the respect he deserves in the fandom circles I've seen, but he is a good antagonist here and I want to see his redemption. I'm usually not one for redemptions, but he wasn't too far gone to not be redeemable logically.