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As soon as you wished the horse would kick Steve, I imagined how if this was a for-YouTube edit you would have cut right then to the "You'll see!" clip. And yeah, the real Wyatt Earp visited Deadwood around Al and Seth's time, though of course Milch has taken some fun liberties both with his new shadier interpretation of Wyatt and Morgan as well as how he's knit them into the show's main conflict. You may recognize Morgan Earp, played by Austin Nichols, because you ALSO disliked another character of his: Walking Dead's Spencer "He did have guts after all" Monroe. Honestly, even with this being my favorite show ever I admit this is possibly one of, if not the, weakest episodes for a few different reasons, but the final 4 are stronger in my opinion and the movie is a surprisingly good conclusion considering how much later it comes, so I feel confident saying it's all up from here til you're done.