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fl han 1x9.mp4



Hannibal, Abigail and Will are amazing! I'm team Hannibal and Abigail ...even if it makes me look like a psycho 🤣🤣

Paul Murphy

Jimmy, seeing Lance Henriksen in this episode has reminded me of a Q i wanted to ask you... have you seen Millenium? it's by Chris Carter who did the X-Files & has Lance Henriksen AND Terry O'Quinn in it!! only 3 seasons too, so dead easy to watch....

Robert Kruger

Millennium the movie is quite fun to watch too ;-) Thanks for the recommendation though, I'll watch it.


Mildly surprised Hannibal didn’t kill Freddie Loundes for that rude remark about spoiling the salad. Pretty sure Will wouldn’t have minded, and Abigail clearly wouldn’t. I

Ben Trotter

I think that's why Hannibal has is rolodex. It's a memory of a slight he incurred and once an appropriate amount of time has passed and no real connection can be made back to him, then he takes action. Hannibal's patience is admirable. For a serial killer i mean.

Cadmus Lochlan

I like how you went from I feel bad for her, to f her, to alright i feel bad again.