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You hit the nail on the head I think re: Al feeling victimized by Hearst like he did when he was a child at the orphanage. I love how we get these little bits of Al's past and inner workings; he's such a private and controlled character that when he rarely does this its special. It's consistently been with this prostitute, Dolly, ever since Al felt betrayed by Trixie and first brought Dolly upstairs back in 1x09 and first told his history. Earlier in the episode when he first can't get it up with Dolly, he's asking "Does Hearst think I'm scared?" but what he's really asking inside is "Am I scared? Is this me being patient and using tactics like I'm saying, or am I actually scared?" It's just great character work, like the whole show. Steven the Drunk is an incredible performance; that scene with him just...being a monster, and everyone just in awkward silence or disbelief or growing rage...it's so uncomfortable and suitably so. You may remember that actor, Michael Harney, from season 1 of True Detective: he was the crooked cop that Rust calls "Rummy" and slaps open handed, and then later they confront him on his boat about his connection to the cult/conspiracy. One of the more interesting details to me, subtle details that David Milch puts into the show, is that in his first episode, the N. General introduces himself as "Sam Fields", and this episode reminds us of his real name with the telegram. This is also the first episode where, at the bank, we are told Steve the Drunk's surname is also FIelds. It's a nice little detail to take the two characters who are known by nicknames and have this racial divide and have a small way where, somewhere down in the past, at least culturally, there was some similarity; surnames come from work, sometime long ago both of their ancestors worked in fields and despite racial and other differences, there's a vague kinship implied, a human kinship, that I think contrasts nicely with their dynamic. Also, I think the General is pretty witty; he's one of the quickest retorting characters in a show full of clever characters: Hostetler: Go on away from here now, ain't nobody tryin' to keep you. Fields: Yeah, that's why I come back with you Hostetler, to worsen my chances when I try to flee. And I just want to say again how much I love William Sanderson as E.B. Farnum. The show is just full of great cast and great performances, but literally every scene with him is just so...he's not likable, but he's just so believable yet cartoonish, he's so fully realized; I buy E.B. Farnum as a real person but he's so outlandish, it's compelling whenever he gets to comment on a scene (because it often feels like he's on the outside, with us in the audience, heckling the situations around him like Waldorf and Statler from the Muppets). I also love that now in season 3 they give Al an old friend/comrade so he can let down the mob boss persona and just talk to his bro for advice on his sex life lol