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poi 4x18.mov



The bit with Beth doesn't make sense, since Root should've been able to press the button herself. Samaritan would have identified her but then the Machine would have given her a new identity. Nobody would die! Also yeah nobody likes Iris. In any other show, I think she would have been fine but the characters in this show are normally so stellar, it's sad when you get someone that's just OK.


I think it wouldn't have mattered if Root did it or not. Harold was connected to Beth twice, and caught on camera with her. Greer knows what Harold and Root look like and know they work together. Samaritan would have traced any known connections, and as soon as Greer saw images of Harold with Beth he would have known he was Professor Whistler. That's my reasoning anyway.


Iris has been a walking malpractice lawsuit since Day 1... But dating a patient or an ex-patient isn't just unethical and grounds for losing your job, it's a deepy immoral thing to do. There's a power imbalance between therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist and patient and taking advantage of it for your own gratification can really mess someone's life up.


hey Jimmy, remember when you were done with Root and Finch's roadtrip of kidnapping and murder back at the start of season 2? The hacker kids have come a long way and make the highlight reel relationship on the show now. The characters and actors play well off each other. That said, I think how earned the Finch-Root relationship is underscores the problem with this episode. The stuff with Beth is not earned. Root is nuts here not to consider any other option, Harold is a wee bit dramatic in consuming poison. Also, this wastes the Hong Kong storyline, doesn't it? PS: Legendary eyeroll when Iris showed up. Totally with you on that!


First, what other option, trusts someone else to upload it? She said that no matter what, when samaritan looks at Beth as a threat, no matter what, it will find Harold (uploading is out of the question no matter what the plan). And Harold, dramatic?? As far as i understand, saving an innocent life still matters.. to some.