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poi 4x15.mov



Love this one. Love episodes that are about dangerous possibilities of real-world technology--for example, in this one the idea that Siri could be deliberately manipulating people's emotions to sell certain products (like Facebook targeted ads, but darker). Also I just found out the Nautilus episode (the first one with Claire) is based on a real-life series of internet puzzles called Cicada 3301. 7 years old and to this day no one knows what the winners were recruited for. Creepy.


Great episode in and of itself although I think it's slightly nonsensical given that Greer was ready to have Harold shot at the end of S3 after Samaritan came online. Given that they've tried to kill them over and over recruiting him doesn't really make any sense and I don't believe Greer would even for a second believe Harold would agree. Seemed very obviously just like a plot setup from the beginning


The kill order on the team in the S3 finale was when Greer was in charge. He has since given way to Samaritan as his boss. Samaritan is likely to see value in Harold at least, even if it does not in the rest of the team. Furthermore, I think Claire took an unscheduled detour here by attempting to bring Harold on board by taking him to the school, because he had tried to help her earlier.


Haha Jimmy, your face when Claire was talking...like you couldn't make up your mind about whether this was just a case of bad acting or not 😂 Root should have got Claire in the chest. Ugh, she just sucks.


To the producers' credit, they used the actress' bad acting to their advantage this episode (plus, the casting is pretty great 98 out of 100 times, that ain't bad).