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Colin Huckestein

In regards to Gon- His rage has definitely enhanced his aura (as Killua mentioned a few episodes back), and similarly his complete devotion towards making Pitou do what he wants has sharpened his senses and instincts greatly. But I don't think that Pitou is so much concerned by his "raw power" as she is by his strong will, his sharp senses, and the fact that he has the upper hand right now giving him a lot of control. Some of it is situational, like how Pitou thought Gon had 100% seen through her "secret message" to Pouf, but a lot of factors have given Pitou the impression that Gon's senses are sharper than they are (and they already are pretty sharp at the moment). So yeah, Gon is definitely stronger than usual in many ways, but it's not on such a drastic level. It's his instincts, senses, perception, and ability to take control (all backed by such a strong resolve), that are making him seem like a potential threat, which is why Pitou wants to kill him to be safe. Her main concern is how to do this without risking Komugi. Great reaction though! I'm so excited for the rest of this arc!

Dean Cyphers

episode 126 the GOAT incoming......

Colin Huckestein

And so many of my favorite episodes still to come after that (including my top 2)!!

Ashley Saari

“Not kill him! Because that would affect Killua and I don’t want Killua to be sad.” That’s so fucking valid, sir.