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FL FRINGE - 3x8.mp4



Definitely one of my favorite episodes. Wish you commented on the multi-colored title sequence.


Surprised no love for Nina Sharp or William Bell. Even though we saw little of Bell, he did kick ass for those two episodes. Also, what about the villains? David Robert Jones, Newton? Things do slow down a ton after this episode. And then closer towards the end for a brief time they get very very weird, almost too ridiculous even for Fringe. I only say that so you're prepared and maybe enter with lower expectations than you have at the moment. You might be able to appreciate it more as a result.


We’ve had two great Broyles centric episodes in a row. Scene in the cell between Broyles and Olivia was intense. Reminded me a bit [in intensity] of the scene in season 1 at the café when Olivia confronts Walter about experimenting on her.