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BSG - 3x4.mp4



One of the best frakkin' episodes of TV ever.


The MFing Adama maneuver!! One of the most epic scifi moments ever! Hotdog: " whelp, this ought to be different" lol those Vipers launching during Galacticas decent still takes my breath away!


The Adama maneuver is still one of the coolest fucking things I have ever seen on TV. The idea by itself is really unique and badass, but it is made better by fantastic execution and effects.


such a great episode, the story, the pacing, the acting, the effects, all perfect


i still remember watching it live. . . .. i called the move the paratrooper for a long while


The scene where Saul kills Ellen is one of my favorites in this show. The acting from both of them is fucking amazing.


The Pegasus died doing what she was built for, killing frakking toasters.


Jimmy, fun fact: Viper pilot 'Hotdog' is played by Bodi Olmos, Edward James Olmos son.


WUT re hotdog!!


didn't know that!! but actually, yeah, he DOES look like him. wow.


I love the symbolism of Adama's porn stache. It was his reminder that there were people left behind. He couldn't look in the mirror without being reminded. Only after he got them off that rock did he allow himself to ditch it.


Goddamn is the Adama Maneuver gangsta as fuck. And even better - it OBEYS THE PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED RULES of the series. There are plenty of civvy ships on the ground that the people can use to escape and the insurgency can get them aboard, but they can't get off the ground and high up enough to jump away with all of the cylon fighters patrolling the skies, and the Galactica can't get its fighter wings in close enough to escort and protect them because of the cylon baseships in orbit. The Galactica is a 40 year old aircraft carrier. It can't maneuver in the atmosphere. It can't land. But it's built like a brick shithouse, so what it CAN do is jump into the upper atmosphere and fall like a fucking rock, holding together just long enough to launch its vipers and jump the hell away.