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Hey guys! I know there are friends old and new here with us on the Patreon, some have been with him since back from his paper sketching days, while others might just be brand new who know him for his fresh and polished digital art! My question to you is, how did you first come across Raver's work? Did a friend tell you about him? Did you happen upon him one day? Let us know here! Feel free to elaborate in a comment. <3 ~ Silver



I forget the exact circumstances but I believe I came across him while looking for bondage art of a particular character back during my early days on dA when I would search for "character name gagged" to expand my bondage favorites


Same I was looking for Rosalina Bondage and found one of his old works.

leoryff Studios

dA. I don't remember why exactly I watched though. Might have been the Zelda pics.


Foss showed him to me. I came across a photo on his phone and went, "Heyyyy, that's pretty gooood." So I searched you and liked what I saw. :3 -Light


I'm thinking about it, and holy crap. I started with Raver back when he had first done his All Alone pic.


Flannery’s training on DA way back in 2010, I was hooked!


Wow, that long? Though it must have been later that we actually started talking.


My first contact with your art was the Obsession picture story, more specifically the first one, because I was looking for good dragongirl pictures of which there isn't much. That series is still some of my favorite of your art, really.


According to my favorites on DA "Precious cargo" was the first one.


I was really proud of that series at the time. A shame I never released the followup.


DA 2013