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  • SCRATCH21LOOPfinal.mp4



they lied! their balls are average!

where the characters are from ->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RoFIhC8mEc




Really was the biggest balls of them all


I need more of them 😩


The link isn’t working for me

Lord Headcheez

This came from nowhere, but well done!

David Perez

I wasn't really into furry, until I found your Patreon Love your work

Scappo (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-11 21:44:14 It was the little wink in the music video that got me into her- thank you for making this <3 !
2023-04-11 18:57:14 It was the little wink in the music video that got me into her- thank you for making this <3 !

It was the little wink in the music video that got me into her- thank you for making this <3 !

conner secondino

Hey unrelated but your Twitter isnt showing up when i search for it. Its like it never existed on Twitter. Did you delete the account or something?

conner secondino

Canary primary usually by time canary is typed your Twitter pops up before finishing typing but fully typing it out currently i just see anything Twitter thinks is related other than your stuff


twitter search bans me! you have to type in CanaryPrimaryOP or CanaryPrimary without the space in the middle lmao