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I'm very sorry for being slow lately, guys! I was planning on having more animations done this month but I've been having a hard time animating quickly QvQ

This Washimi thing im doing right now will be released next, of course. But after that it's kind of a free-for-all! Maybe some shorter animations to tide you guys over? Maybe I can muster up the Loona thing super quick before the end of the month? Maybe that'll be released at the beginning of next month? I'm not sure! All I know is that I reaaaally want the Loona animation and the Fluttershy/Discord animation to be done by next month at the latest buuuut.. you know how things go DX all i can do is hope hope hope!

BTW! Even if some animations will be released later than I expected, I'm not cancelling any of my projects, so there's that ^^ They'll all be done! Just gotta figure out a smarter way to work so that I can get them all out to you guys in a timely manner <3

As always, thank you guys so much for your support! Look out for more animations to come ;)


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