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what's she up toooo?



Vize Breach

Yo! Dont know if you'll respond to this but i wanted to know if you were interested in a new voice? Im trying to throw myself out there to try and get more experience haha!

Vize Breach

Mostly deep voices,deep dwavish (wip), country, its a small selection haha but i wanna get down the main ones before i branch into something diffrent


Now time to animated her being turned into a cocksleeve by the doom slayer :D

Vize Breach

Its better if i actually send a reel of what i can do XD


oooh thats coming. this was kind of a test to see what style i should draw isabelle in ^^ next step is rigging! (after this minicomic is done~)

Vize Breach

Will do ill have one for ya a little later haha currently at work x.x