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I probably shouldn't have made the deadline the 5th for the Haida and Inui thing lmao. I'm really close to something presentable, but it still lacks a couple of things I wanted to add to it, and 1 or 2 different poses/sex angles.

Would you guys prefer I just post what I have in a few hours or would you prefer I wait until the animation is more completed? It shouldn't take me longer than the 7th considering how close I am but I still want to polish some stuff out and give more content. heck, this thing is nearing 5 minutes instead of 3 lmao, i might've gone nuts!

I'm really sorry once again!



You can post what you have now then post the updated version as a sort of *directors cut* lol

antonio kontos

Just finish it I don't care how long it takes :)


You can do whatever you want but if I had to choose I would wait until the 7th


Canary, you've got this, though it feels like someone should be punished for a delay


Take as long as you need don't rush your self to much.


I'm good waiting for the complete release, but if you're good to toss up on the 7th, go for it.


Take your time. Rather you take your time then rush it

Micha LeLachim

Take the time you need to put out what you want to. We'll wait patiently and only berate you a little, promise. (Remember, we're here to support you and we believe in ya)


Masterpieces take time.

Lord Nobleheart

Be fashionable late and have us drooling when you strut your stuff. If the wip video and the snippets are any indication, the Haida x Inui 'fun'fest is going be sweet 'smash'.


Can’t rush art


I would prefer to see it only if you think it is ready


Cant rush Perfection....


Take your time, i am curious to see what that naughty head of yours has in store for us. BUT you are going to be punished for that~


Take your got dang time! If it needs work, don’t rush

Koshikage Yira

Bruh just stop setting deadlines, we get that animation takes lots of time, you dont gotta keep burdening yourself like this lol

.... . .-.. .-.. ---

"You can't rush art." -The toymaker from Toy Story 2


we subscribe for quality art made by the artist... we aint a boss expecting everything on a deadline... take your time and do good work and we will be here to support and enjoy the fruits


Im a very patient person so I would love to see a finished product other than a rushed one. Take all the time you need to make it look as fantastic as you can.

jonathan richard

take your time to do something you like