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Alright! There was a lot of spitballing earlier on with the animations I'm currently working on (heck, the Tsunoda and Komiya one technically was just gonna be a 10 second super-quickie until I went insane and wanted to make it over a minute long) 

So! Hold me to this schedule!

The Tsunoda x Komiya animation will be completed (at latest) by November 1!

The Haida x Inui animation will be completed (at latest) by December 1!

It's very possible that I'll be completed with these animations beforehand, buuuut I'm gonna use the extra time to make the animations longer and filled with more content ;) 

Thank you all for your support, as always! You're all lovely 💕



Thank YOU for delivering such a wonderful fappable content!


Thanks for your hard work


Oooh now I'm more excited than ever!!!


We will definitely hold you to your schedule (haha just kidding take all the time you need and we will understand!)


Damn you're going hard with these. Not complaining though, loved the Haida and Fenneko one. Hope we get to see more of them.