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Hello Patrons,

It's been a while since I added some commentary to a page update. However, I want to crow a bit about some coloring developments that start with this page. It's been a long road figuring a fast and effective way to color pages that meet my personal standards. And, as of this page, I feel that I've found a digital coloring method that suits my need. I've been able to parse down the shading and highlights to a few layers that include slight color shifts to stave off monotony. This means I can color faster without sacrificing the overall quality; very exciting to me. 

A few highlights on this page is panel one's foreground elements and the creature coloring on panel three. I'm very proud of those. I look forward to refining the process as the pages grind on. 

Ok, I'm done now. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you continue to support the comic during these arduous times.

All the best,




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