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Hello Patrons,

One more discussion before we get the Astray3 show on the road. This time I want to address plans for the oncoming year. ( I already did this a little in the 2019 retrospective post. But, here we go again. )

As of this post, the first couple of updates have been uploaded and scheduled for chapter 4. For those who don't know, Astray3 only charges when comics are posted. Meaning, that contributions will start being collected tomorrow. ( Please, be sure to set those minimums. Unless you want to be very generous. In which case, THANK YOU! ) The remainder of January and February should see regular updates.

How long will regular updates last? I have no clue. Last year marked my first foray into the comic convention and art event circuits. 2020 will see that business increase three-fold. I will be attending multiple events throughout the ( U.S. ) midwest to promote Astray3 and my work. This, of course, is a drain on comic production time. The good news is that I'm wrapping up major convention prep this week. ( The above image is my new booth banner. Also, look for some new stuff to hit the big cartel store soon. ) For a short time, my focus will return to comic production. However, once convention season hits, I will have to spend more time away from the drawing table. This will eventually, I predict, make comic updates irregular. 

What can we look forward to then? Astray3 chapter four should be completed sometime late this year. At current, the chapter is planned to be over 40 pages long. The biggest one yet! There will be a printed version available either late 2020 or early 2021. About mid-year expect a second art book to be made. ( Covering 2019 and 2020. ) There will be lots of table merch updates throughout the year too as I focus on making convention appearances more profitable. ( As Patreon contributor, I will be providing you with discount codes as a reward. )

That about wraps it up. I hope you enjoy the new chapter and stick with Astray3 for 2020.

All the best, 




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