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And here we are! Finally, our first glimpse of the setting for the bulk of the story. Veteran readers will notice the planet has undergone some changes since the previous version. The drifting, candy colored "cloud" plates have been replaced with more standard colored clouds. Also, we now have a visible light source in place of the ambient light effect. Arguably the new world has lost some of it's random whimsy. However, I want the revamped setting to have a more sensible absurdity to it rather than just oddity for oddity's sake. What else has changed? Well, you'll just have to stay tuned to find out. 


This page is one of the rare occasions I surprised myself with what I can achieve. It really portrays the animated movie style I've been pushing towards with the comic. The effect was hard to achieve with the previous chapter. The abstractness and wispy whirls blended too much with the foreground characters. When we return to that section I may try to represent it more as nebulae's and various astronomical phenomenon. But that is years away at this point. 



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